
Who thinks its possible that some humans are in fact aliens taking human form?

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Who thinks its possible that some humans are in fact aliens taking human form?




  1. I think we are all aliens put on this planets in flesh borrowed from this planet.

  2. aliens want to probe your @ss

  3. yes it is possible, try to go to a new place with a really different culture, you'll become an alien...

  4. what planet do u live on?

    sorry about the pun.

  5. No, it is not possible, because aliens, if they exist, are not here. There is no secret conspiracy which has covered up ufo and bodies. UFO sightings are Venus. Abductions are the result of Sleep Paralysis. And gov't documents and witnesses are the result of people want to sell books.

  6. yes look up Draconians>

  7. Without a doubt! Rosie O'Donnell, Michael Jackson, Donald Trump, Al Gore. The list goes on and on.

  8. i think it is very possible.  if we were the aliens visiting other planets, isnt that what we would do?

  9. I"ll buy that & I also think that some human forms have a lot of alien life forms living within their bodies!  Like a HOST!

  10. Ooh heavy too much late night TV

    Try a hot milky drink before bed

  11. i'm convinced that the govenment is being run by such as what you mention...but for the life of me i cannot believe that any being that can traverse such distances can be so stupid.

    yet it must be so because no human could be so stupid for sure.

  12. It is Possible but Highly Improbable...However I think it's more Probable that one of the aliens has taken over the body of my cat!!!

  13. I suppose something is sort of possible especially on StarTrek.

  14. Oh yes, so true, and they are coming from Mexico every day!

  15. hey why not crazy things happen all the time.

  16. Yes, i think so. Genesis 6:2 (King James Version) says:

    "the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all that they chose."

    extraterrestrials interbred with humans. They still live with us to this day.

  17. Beam me up to The Body Snatchers.

  18. After careful analysis ,I think it is not possible .

  19. u r seeing too many movies :-) star wars and all are fantasy stories.

  20. if they are humans they are not aliens,or you mean a race-mix?

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