
Who thinks its pretty pointless to leave the bath for a pee?

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since your sitting in filth anyways, and its cold to get out, plux unrelaxing. And you should shower off after a bath anyway.

or why even sit in dirty sweat, and dirt, and not shower off?




  1. Yeah thats a little gross.  I hardly ever take baths but I would definately get out to pee!  

  2. disgusting... who thinks it ok to sit in your own pee?????

  3. I don't know. I never take baths, but some just have a certain mindset. Urin is really just water and vitamins, anyway.  

  4. ok pee is way too much.

    lol, sure dirt and blah blah

    but the dirt isnt THAT bad  unless you've been rolling around in the mud and running all day

    and pee, thats just gross don't do that lol

  5. Ewwww.  I think sitting in the sweat is better than urine.

  6. Me!

    Why waste all that energy when your just gonna wash off anyways -____-

  7. I think it's pointless to take a bath, unless you are really stressed. If you are that lazy, the I guess just pee in it but that's kinda gross.

  8. umm no offense but who in Gods name would want to sit in their own p**s?

    That's like gross to the highest degree!

    I don't take very many baths but when i do, i get out to pee dang:)

  9. i wouldnt do it in a bath.. its kinda gross.. but in a shower u should. every time u flush a toilet, u waste SOO much water, so why not avoid that if u can?

  10. Ok, if I was in a tub I would deff. get out to pee. That is just gross to sit in the tub and pee on yourself because you are too lazy to get up.

    Anyways, I prefer showers anyways.

  11. What's the point of taking a bath if your just going to pee on yourself? You might be sitting in filth already but that just adds to it. Besides, taking a shower after a bath is stupid, and it would take longer. How about trying the tiolet?

    Oh, and I like showers. =]

  12. I would get out in the bath but I don't in the shower

  13. You're taking the bath to get clean, or relax, and then you pee in it???

  14. um no i get out to pee.

  15. Ewwww, that is just gross.  

  16. Well, when i was really sick, the only place in my house that was comfortable was my bath tub. Other then that, i never take a bath. But i would never pee in my bath, thats just gross.  

  17. ewww dude thats disgusting!!


  19. Well, since pee is sterile, it's not "yucky" to sit in a bathtub full of it, but the idea of sitting in a yellow tub sounds gross.

  20. Pee has no bacteria in it, since it came out of the kidney.

    It's basically sweaty water.

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