
Who thinks its stupid that they teach people to question things in college?

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i think that if you havent questioned or not trusted most things people tell you in the past you dont deserve to be tought it. like religion for example... i mean like just because your born into a religion like christianity or if your muslim or something it doesnt mean that religion makes sense or that you should trust everything that is said. most people are born into a religion and are too gulluble or trust people too much to think for themsleves




  1. I only think it's stupid that we aren't encouraged to question things sooner than college. Humans as a species are questioning and observing. This is where the sciences came from. However, it is all too common nowadays to squash young children's questions and teach them to think just like everyone else. Then when they're all grown and shoved into a narrow-minded thought pattern, we take it all back and tell them that questioning things really is an OK thing to do.

    Does anyone else see a problem in child-rearing here?

  2. I agree with you. We, as humans, have always questioned. From our first moments on Earth, we are always wondering who we are, why we're here, and what in the world is that? If we are barely learning to think in college, we have not had a valuable skill most of our lives.

  3. I think it's dreadfully oppressive when some narrow-minded dinosaur tries to prevent you from gaining true wisdom.

    I don't see how this relates to religion.



    Oh, I see.  You think that every opinion the dinosaurs lay on you is an Absolute Truth.


    "We have allowed brain thinking to develop and dominate our lives out of all proportion to 'instinctual wisdom'; which we are allowing to slump into atrophy. As a consequence we are at war within ourselves - the brain desiring things which the body does not want, and the body desiring things that the brain will not allow; the brain giving directions which the body will nor follow, and the body giving impulses which the brain cannot understand...So long as the mind is split, life is perpetual conflict, tension, frustration and disillusion. Suffering is piled on suffering, fear on fear, and boredom on boredom.

    The more the fly struggles to get out of the honey, the faster he is stuck. Under the pressure of so much strain and futility, it is no wonder that men seek release in violence and sensationalism, and the reckless exploitation of their bodies, their appetites, the material world and their fellow men".

    -- Alan Watts

  4. You can think for yourself all you want to but there are moral principles that don't change no matter what you think.

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