
Who thinks kids shouln't have homework and why?

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Like we work all day at school why should we have to work at home too?




  1. I think homework should be thought-provoking, short, and creative. There should always be choices between types of work, because people learn differently. For example, you could choose between finding and solving a real-world problem using trigonometry, or teach your fellow classmate's next trigonometry class.

  2. I think homework is a good thing because it helps you study, and understand the concepts they try to teach in school. It gives you extra practice, and that is always good. It also gets you in the habit of studying for college -- they don't give you homework in college, so you could just not study, but you'd fail all the tests.

    Now, BUSYWORK is where it gets annoying. I hate teachers who give out work just to give out work.

  3. Homework is an unfair and near crippling task assigned to children in my experience. most schools have about a 40 hour week, same as most full time jobs. And while ever once in a while people take home work form their jobs, it is not mandatory. If teachers cannot teach what they need to in the course of a school day, we need to re-evaluate the school system. Additionaly, Many kids in high school are trying to juggle homework, an actual job so that they can save up some money for college, and maintaining their social life. When I was in highschool, i knew many people who got home from school, went straight to work, came home from work around 10 at night, and then were up until 2-3 in the morning doing homework. Is it any wonder why kids sleep in schools?

  4. I thinks that kids r more busy than adult

  5. I think homework is good because it helps to reinforce the material you learned in class.

  6. Parents are often tempted to help if they perceive their kids have too much homework, but if you think your child has too much you should talk to the teacher to get an idea of what the schools sees as too much and often you will find there is some miscommunication between the student, teacher and parent about the amount of work.

  7. xactly. i dont get it. if we do enough c**p at school, why do it at home. only an idiot would forget that quick.

    edit: blue face, you are a terror to schools everywhere.

  8. I don't think kids should have homework. After school, they need to help their parents plow the fields, paint the house, mend the fence, clean the house, cook the meals. I mean, if parents get up before the kids, get them ready for school, provide them with food, clothing and a house, shouldn't the kids help out the parents?

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