
Who thinks like me Fireworks should be banned completly ?

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Who thinks like me that Fireworks are not only a waste of money but also a fire hazzard in dry areas like Utah

Govenor Huntsman from Utah, has spoken out against Fire works. Authorized the cities to their own disgretion to allow or to prevent fireworks. I too think , with the drout condition that we currently experience and shortage of our water supply fireworks are more of a hazzard than a beautification of holidays. Besides a waste of money. What do you all think?




  1. If you do not like fireworks, then DON'T USE THEM!!!  but leave the rest of us alone.  

    We can take care of ourselves and with a little (very little) common sense we won't set fires, blow off fingers, poke out our eyes, or any of the other things that you are probably thinking.

    This is NOT (yet) a dictatorial socialist state so lay off of our freedom.

  2. I am sure that will stop some idiot from lighting them off in the middle of a drought. Get real. And since when were you elected Czar of how people can spend THEIR money?

  3. let's ban everything,then we can just sit around and do nothing. not on a chair though,they will be banned too

  4. yeah!  ban everything!!!!  

    hey let's ban the word "ban."

  5. Smoking is more of a fire hazard than fireworks will ever be.  By your logic, shouldn't we ban that then too?  Smoking doesn't have a single benefit, isn't it a waste of money?

    Not to mention other fire starters include candles, space heaters, and electrical outlets, all of which start more fires than fireworks.  Even extrapolated, if fireworks were to be used everyday, they still wouldn't come close.

    So what exactly are you getting at?  Because they MAY start a forest fire? Are you kidding me?

    Giving your money to Africa?  Katrina mean anything to you?  How about we worry about our problems here at home too.

  6. no ,why ban them?  they're fun...  :P

    & it's pretty ironic how you want to ban fireworks yet i see fireworks as your background in your avatar!!

    **hahah funny how you changed you background... like thats gonna stop people from talking...**

  7. Take away more of our freedoms.....I like them and we use them safe. They are legal here.

    Do you want more Mommy they can govern more of your life and you do not have to think?

  8. Fireworks are a waste of money huh?  Well, cable is a waste of money.  Going out to dinner is a waste of money.  Driving anywhere but to work is a waste of money.  Sleeping on a nice, soft bed when you could be sleeping in a sleeping bag is a waste of money.  Why don't we ban all of that too?  

    Sorry, I have no problem with fireworks.  I use them every 4th of July and I have a great time, so do the kids from the neigborhood.  And, in case you haven't noticed, places where they are banned, the ban is treated like a joke.  I live in Ney York right now, where there is a total ban on private fireworks.  I drove to another state and loaded up on fire crackers, mortars, bottle rockets, and all kinds of other great stuff.  I had a little 4th of July cookout, and then shot them off.  The chief of police for the town I live in drove by and told me that he liked the display.  A state trooper drove by as well, and didn't even slow down.  

    The bans don't work, so why wreck everyone else's fun because you don't like it?

  9. I think they should be banned by non-pyrotechnic professionals. I believe they are banned in my state. People are stupid - they blow their fingers off, burn themselves, let their children play with them etc. There's no reason for any of us to have them.

  10. Baning fireworks does not stop it, becuase they just go to another state which hurts you, becuase now your not geting money when they buy food. When they buy the fireworks or when they stay at a place.

  11. Get a life. People enjoy them. Just like you enjoy being a miserable person... To each their own

  12. heh no way, explosives are fun.

  13. Fireworks don't start fires, people start fires.

    Guns are not bad. Fireworks are not bad. The Internet is not bad. Inanimate objects are not bad. They are just tools. It is the people that use tools that need to be regulated, not the tools.

    Why take away freedom from ALL people just because 1 or 2 people do dumb things? Take away the freedom of the dumb people and leave the rest of us alone.

  14. When I first saw the question I was just gonna say check out my avatar background for your answer, but that won't work because the person who wants fireworks banned has them in the background of her own avatar.  <confused>

    I live on the East Coast, my town does fireworks where we sit on the other side of a small lake to watch the fireworks - sufficient water to put out any accidental fire, and also the fireworks reflecting off the water while they light up the sky ... OMG beautiful.

    But because YOU live in a dry area, I shouldn't be able to adhere to the traditional celebration of the 4th?  Yah.  Uh-huh.  THAT makes sense.

  15. I do.. and they are a waste of nitrate.

  16. Sorry, can't agree.  There are a lot of cultural traditions that are hazardous.  Fireworks on the 4th, or chinese new year;  the running of the bulls, auto racing, every sport out there, and on and on.

    People should be made aware of the risks and of how to minimize them, but left the choice of whether to partipate or not.

  17. Get real here. If you don't like to have fireworks then don't buy them. It's pretty simple. If you think they are dangerous - then you didn't live in the 50's and 60's when they shot off real cherry bombs and M-80's. Now they are the real firecrackers!

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