
Who thinks like this?

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that we can make a difference in the world i know it may sound cheesy and stuff but who thinks so

btw watch this video too




  1. well i believe just the littlest gesture like a small bit of money to a homeless person can make a difference, helping a blind person cross the road can make a difference, turning off a light, having a shower instead of a bath can make a difference to the environment. every little thing you do adds up to make a big difference in the world in many ways. if no one done little things to help then nothing would change...

  2. we change the world everyday, by one act, good or bad, to the things right around us. You don't have to try and change the whole world, that is impossible. But by volunteering in your community, you make a difference for a few who really count. Help the veterans organizations, the elder care, childrens youth centers.Save a hurt animal, or the little old lady crossing the street. It isn't a matter of great deeds, just small ones. I have built a monument for a city with a little help. It is not much, but it will give a sense of pride to the little city, and that is what is important.Never do things for your own recognition and it will reward you a hundred fold.

  3. We can make a difference every single day.  /
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