
Who thinks mexican should go back to mexico??

by  |  earlier

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if you do then americans should go to back to europe cus they came from europe the indians were the first to b here why are yous cryn




  1. that's right i so agree with you.  

  2. you re right

  3. Wow! I never thought of it that way but you are totally right! =)

  4. And Americans out of mexico!

  5. I believe in Free Trade and Open Borders.

    That's what the world needs.

    I hope more Mexicans come to the US. For that matter I hope more people from all over the world will choose to immigrate, work, study and visit the US. America needs fresh ideas and new blood. The American dream should be open to all.

    The US needs to have safe and secure borders. But building walls and invading other countries is not an answer. Making it easier to legally go to the US and work will drastically reduce illegal migration. People simply want to have opportunities. They see those opportunities in the US. We need to find a way to welcome them. Giving out temporary visas and making it easier for employers to hire foreign workers would enable the US to collect the taxes from those workers, provide them legal benefits, minimum wage, and focus the ICE on catching real criminals such as drug dealers and possible terrorists, Not hard-working people that just want to make a better life for themselves.

    Most Mexicans in the US only stay an average of five years and then they return to Mexico. Let's give them the visas to do so legally and at the same time help our neighbor and largest trade partner.

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