
Who thinks michael phelps is the best?

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Do you think hes the best olympian of all time?




  1. Mark Spitz is the best - He won 7 Gold by a larger margin and swam in fewer events. He wore no special suit, no cap,had no special pool, had a thick head of hair and a kickin' mustache. Check him out on you tube if you have any doubts.

  2. dat guy must hav sum kind of vudu dat he does coz he is sooo gud!!!!

  3. Yep.

  4. They did not have a 50 meter race in 1972?  then Phelps did not beat the record.

  5. Best Olympian of all time and his world records and gold medals prove it, not much you can say with proof like that.

  6. whos micheal phelps?

    Im sorry but its all about Usain Bolt now. Micheal Phelps is old skool now!

  7. yap! he is the athlete with the most gold medals in a single olympics and also holds the record for the most gold medals by an individual...I don't think anyone wanna dispute that!

  8. yea!! love that guy! he is sooo amazing!! he is an inspiration!!

    no one like him!! wow!...i wouldnt call him good looking thought..but he has got a really hot body!

  9. hes is class!!!! he isn't good looking but he isn't the worst i've seen!!! he is alright like!

  10. No ... not necessary ... number of medals won doesn't determine the best ... does a decathlete deserve less because of ONE medal won even though ten different event mastery is required?

  11. I think he is the best swimmer..but as far as Olympian

    Some sports who could have someone equally as dominant may only have a chance at winning one medal per olympics.  How can you compare?

    That is to take away nothing from Michael Phelps cause what he did was amazing but basically Swimming and Gymnastics are the only sports you can win that high amount of medals


  12. Depends what u Base the greatest Olympian title on,

    Is it the Medals and WRs hes achieved? if it is, YES

    If it is the Legend he has left, i would say possibly still yes, but others might not agree.

    I guess it depends on how the masses of people feel about him.

    hes put the work into winning, so he deserves to win :)

  13. his good yeah, the results speak for themselves...but I think Usain bolt is the GREATEST!

  14. michael phelps is beast.

  15. Carl Lewis is the greatest olympian ever. He won 9 olympic gold medals in different track and field events including the coveted 100m sprint.

    Phelps just won his golds in swimming and has never been crowned the world's fastest human.

  16. Why is the best Olympian ever based purely on medals won. What about the likes of Emil Zatapek etc. A newspaper recently looked at all the great Olympians, looked at their backgrounds, the circumstances under which they participated and their results. Their conlcusion was the Greatest ever is Jesse Owens. I agree completely.

    That was at a time when Afro Americans had to travel in different buses to whites, could not go to the same schools as whites, had to use different public toilets. And he took part in Berlin, a black man, in front of Hitler with a hostile crowd shouting racist comments at him and his life threatened.

  17. he is extremely good.

    but that one race where he won by one hundredth of a second was sooo close.

    and he did get one silver..

    i think he thinks that he is too good and doesn't need to try AS hard...

    ***the dog is sooooo cute!

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