
Who thinks money is stupid?

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I think we should just do away with money and trade everything for chickens like they did back in the good 'ol days. Anyone agree?

Money is so stupid, and everything is so expensive. I think we should just go back to trading. LOL




  1. Yeah, I would love to experience it a little bit.  The person who is more hard working in farming, finding gold and silver, and raising animals would be the most richest of the bunch.  You can work your way to the top..  trading chickens and vegetables for things like cars, etc...  cool idea!

  2. Is that a chicken in your wallet, or are you just happy to see me?

    Doesn't sound very practical. Besides, if you traded *everything* for chickens, then chickens would *be* money.

  3. Money is ridiculous. Its like Pokemon cards really. Thinking pieces of useless 'paper' are worth something. Trading is a better idea. Not just chickens, services and merchandise. It would be better and prices could be more fair. Unfortunately, money is the most loved thing in the world now. Shame, there are so many more important things that money has caused people to forget.

  4. i would like to trade some things at times, like to get some sea glass for some small things that someone else would like.-for example.

  5. I think that people forget money is just paper, but we do need it though, what happens if we needed to pay in quarters but we only had a whole chicken??? What if we only had chicken nuggets but we wanted to pay in drumroll? Or chicken wings? What happens if i ate the chicken?

  6. Can you imagine some of the problems there would be? What if you couldnt find someone to trade with?

    I mean, you cant exactly take your seven chickens and a cow to the shops can you?

  7. Money has not intelligence.  Therefore it can be considered stupid.

    As for Chickens, how many chickens will it take to fly to Spain?

    It would be smelly if the mess on you or you car.

    No, maybe with something that does not go to the bathroom.

    The trading idea is good.  We already have it.  It is called bartering.

  8. I dont agree.

  9. Then chickens would be the money, so you would not have done away with money.  You would simply have made it a bit more awkward to put the money in your wallet.

  10. yea i think we shud go bak to trading aswell but if u think about it money is so much more precise and accurate that trading because you alays have different amounts so you would have to barter an that wud eventually get annoying and remember were always evolving no de-evolving.

  11. Yeah money is so hard to come by, and as soon as you get in you gotta give it to someone else :-(

    Trading the chickens is how we might end up yet.....

    Dam Politicians...

    Not sure if the bank would accept chickens for the house repayment though..... lol.

  12. If there were no money and only chickens to trade... then we would also have to grow our own food for the chickens...  we'd be so busy supporting our chickens that we wouldn't be able to have any other job... making the whole chicken trading thing kind of obsolete...

    ...and like another guy said, if chickens are what we used for trading, then chickens would be "money."

    If you are joking, this question belongs in the joking section.

  13. Sounds like you're a material girl. LAAAAAME. How will you trade the internet, darling?

  14. I love money, its the bills and taxes that are stupid ;o)

  15. i love money

  16. Yes I agree, how about instead of money we use sand to buy things.  So all we have to do is go to the beach and scoop bags full of sand so we can all be rich and life on earth will be so much better and peacefull, lol jk.

  17. in a way...u r right,the old way of living is better.but for me,money is not is the users

  18. ya money is dumb and it would be easier if we went back to doing things like that.

  19. money doesn't buy you happiness or love or does it.

  20. in an ideal world... that would be great.. i have a big problem with greed and what money does to people... BUT... it will never work... people dont work like that.. no one likes doing something for nothing.... having money means you can be lazy... and people like being lazy...

  21. Please don't spam, it such wastes time and a valuable resource that this service is....

    To answer the question, the abolition of money does not necessity the return to barter. Read Marx and Bordiga for more info.

  22. I don't agree.  I think the structure that bartering with money has given us is great.  

    Just because you don't have something doesn't mean the world needs to ban it.

  23. Well in a way money is chickens.. Money represents substantial wealth, Like you own a chicken but if you have money you can buy a chicken. Money was invented because it is easier to trade that animals take up less room and don't need to be fed.

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