
Who thinks obama would be able to do everything he has promised?

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seeing as he promised to change politics and washington but then picks a washington insider whose been there for 35 yrs and voted for the iraq war... so does this mean if he is elected POTUS he'll have to fire biden....

he promised to be out of iraq within the next ten years but he would only be prez for 8 if he had two terms so how would he control those last two years and ensure the usa pulled out of iraq hmmmmm... I wonder




  1. His health plan, which the only real effect he promises is the lowering of premium costs, has already been analyzed by the experts who predict it will have little effect on premium costs...though it is certain to dramatically increase the cost of healthcare in terms of the tax burden it places on our economy.

  2. 2008-2016

  3. he will be able to raise the taxes ...congress will let him do that...he wont be able to give us a tax break or health insurance because congress wont allow him to do it.

    So we will pay more taxes ..and the senators will fill their pockets ...and more jobs will go away.

  4. LMAO   He won't be able to do everything he promises, but McCain doesn't even have any plans for what to do.  All I've been hearing from the GOP is how bad Obama is, and 90% of what they're saying is just plain lies.  It seems that they think if they make Obama look bad (by lying about him) they'll look better.  It's not working at our house...

    OBAMA 08

  5. LOL. And I suppose you believe John McCain when he says he will bring change despite being in the senate for more than 2 decades.

    But to give a serious answer to the question:

    Will Obama deliever on EVERYTHING he promised?

    Absolutely not. No president ever has or ever will because most of their promises can be stimied by congress. As far as Iraq, he can establish a timeline for withdrawal, and it does not have to be within the term of his presidency- the next president COULD decide to extend it, but they wouldn't unless there was a darn good reason.

    Will he deliver on FAR MORE THAN MCCAIN-

    Absolutely. The democrats are easily going to expand their hold of the house and the senate. They could even possibly have a fillibuster proof majority in the senate which means that mccain will be lame duck for at least 2 years. During that time, he will not be able to expand bush's tax cuts as he promises, he will not be able to pass his 1.4 trillion dollar plan to get less people medical coverage(thank god) he will have to establish a time line for withdrawal in iraq - which he promised not to do.

  6. He will happily promise anything if he thinks it will help him get elected. But he may not even remember all that he has promised. Not that it matters: he only saying it to sway the voters and once he's in he can go ahead and follow his natural Chicago-politician socialist instincts.

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