
Who thinks our problem in the US is congress?

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who thinks we should fire congress and put GOOD people in who care about the little people?




  1. We can't fire Congress, lol.  That would be impossible (at least, firing them all at once) unless our entire system of government was somehow overthrown.

    But yes, I do think a big part of the problem is Congress.  Voters are ignorant about the political system and don't always choose the best men/women for the job, and what we get is that joke asking, "What's the opposite of progress?"

    It would be impossible for the U.S. to put "GOOD people in who care about the little people."  Then the more affluent members of society would be ignored, and we'd get something just like we had with the Articles of Confederation.  The majority (the average citizen) would have far too much power over the minority (the wealthier, including doctors and lawyers, people who are very much needed).  This could only cause more problems, and then we'd have complaints about the new system.

  2. I do, entirely!!!!  The Presidential candidates will stand there and tell us all the things they are going to do- but a President doesnt make policy.  He signs or vetoes policy that the Congress passes.  So all of this "I am going to do this and that" stuff is mostly BS- its Congress that will or will not do those things.

    And Congress, as it sits, sucks.  Politicians from both sides of the aisle represent big business, special interests, and the interest of lining their own pockets far more than the represent "the little guy" or the middle class.

    I'd love to see some real citizen legislators, like our founding fathers envisioned, elected again.  People from our communities that go and serve up to 2 terms and then go back to their regular lives.  For this to work though, all states would need to do it.  With the current system, a state that put term limits on their Senator would get far less federal dollars than a state that didnt, as the way that you get additional power and responsibility in Congress is to serve for the longest period of time.  Its crazy, and it doesnt work.

  3. sounds like a great idea....except the only people that can fire congress...are in congress.

    We can vote them out at the next election,  but that's not real likely- some of them have been in there for 30+ years, and haven't gotten much done in that time.  As much as I'd love for them to be called to task for some of the things they've done...yeah, we're stuck with them.

  4. Both houses are to blame

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    The president on this one is along for the ride just like all the rest of us are

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    Just like the up coming off shore drilling vote that the president sent to the houses to vote on

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    How many of the save the beaches voters will there be

    Even though our terminology has improved to the point that an off shore oil spill so to say is very unlikely to happen

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    But I bet you my so called last dollar it will fail in the voting of it

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    And all fingers will point to the president as being the reason it does

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  5. Absolutely.  Lots of luck finding them.

    Congress, as well as the Presidential Adminstration, is made up of all kinds of people who cared about the little people at one time.  In fact, that is the reason they entered politics usually; they were going to change the system.

    But it just doesn't work like that.  The system changes you, not the other way around.  The same would happen to you if you worked to get there.  You would start out trying to help the little guy, and if you didn't change from that you wouldn't get elected because you wouldn't get money from people who have it and are trying to influence your vote.

    And if you do accept the money, you will be turned by it.  Everyone would.  

    Our system was great at one time, it was fresh and new and it was going to change the way government worked.  It was going to do this by putting the people in charge.

    But now its been in use for some time, and its beginning to show its weaknesses.  It can provide us freedom, but then it can't tell us what to do with that freedom--leading to a decay in morality.  Or it can force morality on us, but then it destroys our freedom.

    Put in all the GOOD people you want, sooner or later they won't be good anymore.

  6. Well, people who care about the country first before political party.

    Imagine if we could get together and vote every incumbent out of office. We have the power.

  7. well Jo, I do.

    Unfortunately, votes do that.  

    I often call to mind a quote from a Great American.  You might consider writing this one down as it has many applications.

    "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American Public."  PT Barnum   :)

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