
Who thinks...?

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How come people think our media is "left-wing" biased? Some think it's "right-wing" biased.

It's not biased either way, left or right, really.

It is biased though.

How many people know what the bias is?




  1. Bias:  Noun, a particular tendency or inclination, esp. one that prevents unprejudiced consideration of a question; prejudice.

    Some representatives of the media ARE biased.  You often hear talk of the "Liberal Media" because they tend to favor a liberal viewpoint.  Instead of reporting the facts of a story they give it a "spin" to lead you toward a particular viewpoint.    

    To say that the media as a whole is biased is obviously wrong, but if you think that there are not biases out there, that's not correct either.  As an example:  in the last gubernatorial race in Maryland, the Baltimore Sun newspaper endorsed a candidate.  It was the first time in the paper's history that they did so.  Their endorsement of the democratic candidate underscored what many people had already noticed--they often lambasted Republican politicians while taking it easy on Democrats in the same positions.  Any double standard like this has no place in news organizations.

  2. their bias is towards anyone who disagrees with the owner of the paper or tv station.


  4. I suggest that people stop using the terms "left wing" and "right wing", because there is so much ambiguity in what they mean.

    Conservatives are supposed to be right wing.  So, I guess Libertarians would be even more right wing.  Then, people speak about "right wing dictators".  Obviously, if right wing is associated with Libertarianism, Conservatism and limited government, it cannot describe any form of dictatorship.

    Another interseting twist is the Neo-Cons, which is supposed to stand for Neo-Conservative.  I don't see much connection between the Conservatives and the Neo-Cons, in fact, I think the Neo-Cons should be referred to as the Neo-n***s.

    Consider the fact that while Conservatives are for limited, Constitutional government, Neo-Cons advocate big spending (out spending the Democrats), more and more government bureaucracy, and involvement in international organizations and interlocking treaties.  While Conservatives are champions of individual freedom, the Neo-Cons advocate building a centralized, super state, with spying on the American people, abolition of the Bill of Rights, and the Bunker Mentality.  While Conservatives advocate maximum contacts between the American people, and the people of other nations, and minimal contact between our government and theirs, Neo-Cons are involved in secret deals with foreign government officials.

    Getting back to your question, mainstream media is not just biased, it is propaganda.  When is the last time you saw an editorial on mainstream media exposing "Global Warming" as a hoax?  Or the fact that "Gun Control" is just the politically correct term for civilian disarmament?  Or that maybe we should get out of the United Nations?  Or exposing the Federal Reserve?  Or exposing the Council on Foreign Relations?

    We see these things on the Internet, along with a lot of crazy stuff.  The difference is the Internet is not controlled.  That's why you can find the truth on the Internet.  Mainstream media is propaganda.
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