
Who thinks sara should win bb9?

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Who thinks sara should win bb9?




  1. No.

  2. ME!!

  3. Strewth!! no way....she's a whiny-voiced minging old tart....


  4. I don't.

  5. not me

  6. who cares. they are all losers

  7. Me!! I never usually vote and i've voted for her 3 times!

  8. I think she should win!

  9. im not sure!

    she flirts too much!

    and can't sing!!

  10. Her, Rex or Darnell

  11. knowone,shes useless

  12.    i    would    rather    sara    won    than    mikey ,

        but    its    looking    like   the    sympathy   votes   are   in    for    him   .    

  13. she's got my vote

  14. I really don't want any of the men to win - though I expect Mikey will.

    He is a sleasy perv and Darnell and Rex are both bullies - I know Darnell is insecure but he shouldn't take it out on others.

    Out of Sara and Rachel, though, it's quite hard.  Rachel has done hardly anything at all, though she's been there from the beginning.  Sara has a VERY irritating voice and gives out mixed signals all the time to every male around.  On the whole I'd like Rachel to win, but Sara would be my second choice

  15. I do, she is the only relatively normal one in there

    Rachel is a really nice girl, but what has she done to entertain us?

    Rex is entertaining but such a big head, I would not want him to win.

    I do like Darnell and he would be my second choice

    But I expect it will be Mikey who is weird and pervy, but will win because of his "disability".

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