
Who thinks sarah palin is a hot dish!?

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i was thinking about voting for obama, but now i dunno,she is hot!




  1. Again its not about VP.  Ask the first woman VP candidate.

    As shw was interviewed on TV. lately.

  2. Palin is more than a pretty face, she is intelligent, has guts and moral conviction!

    You guys need to stop with the sexism!

  3. she is hot, no question. She is just in the wrong political party--her hotness will go unnoticed by the right--they're all secretly g*y over there. At least that's what i hear from larry craig and mark foley and ted haggard and jeff cannon and....

  4. she a very nice young lady

  5. The best part about waking up in the morning is I realize I'm not married to a scary right-wing bimbo like Palin!  But McCain is - for better AND for worse.  

  6. It's the glasses man, the glasses!!!

  7. wow ur a loyal democrat

  8. She looks like a drag queen to me.  I guess there is no accounting for taste.

  9. I think she's adorable, and so does my husband.

  10. Just the blind....   sorry this woman maybe at one time was a beauty queen but like most women after the age of 30 they start falling to pieces...  Also anyone who likes a woman trying to dress like a man has to be a little on the weird side anyways...

  11. I heard that she has something that rhymes with "WERPES"

    (she has herpes but mum is the word.)

    Found out in Time Magazine.

  12. sad that you might vote for a president on looks when the world needs us to have a great decade or else everything is gonna be screwed.  

  13. sorry 16 year old can't vote dummy...

  14. I think she is smart, attractive and down to earth.

    I don't care why you vote for McCain--just do!

  15. She looks a little like a mix between Tina Fey and Peggy Hill, but she's kinda pretty.

  16. Street Walker?


  17. Barack

  18. Me,I wouldn't kick her out of bed for eating crackers.

  19. She looks good for 44 and 5 kids.

  20. Milf?

  21. the wrinkly old white haired dude makes me hot.

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