
Who thinks softball should have its own yahoo answers catagory?

by  |  earlier

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I do!

If you do say I agree, if you want yo you can explain;

Yahoo will see this post and I will try to send it to them!

I think softball should have their own Category!

Please agree with this; if you dont agree please don't reply to this saying "Who Cares!!!!" or anything like that because me and other softball players care!!




  1. I think that softball  is a big enough sport with enough popularity (slow and fast pitch), that it does deserve it's own sub-category in the sports section.  The way it is now is that these type of questions are scattered around in different categories ie baseball, other etc.   It's unfortunate, because someone might be asking a really good question that might not be seen by the softball community in Yahoo Answers, therefore they might not get an answer deserving of such a great question.  There are lots of questions on bats, tips and training, pitching, traveling, tryouts, conditioning, rules, the list goes on.  I would love to see a softball category here.

  2. agree although i dont play it

  3. omg,i really do think they should put it in sports as its one catergory bc i play softball and i always have questions and need tips and i always have to search for it.

    so i totally agree with ya gurll!


  4. i think soo!!! im obsessed with softball. and i hate having to search for it in advanced. I AAGREE

  5. softball is cool but i dont think its *that* big for a category maybe u could put it in sports if yahoo doesnt have one

  6. no

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