
Who thinks that McCain will actually help the working poor and try to "better" this country?

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I want everyone to think about this question. McCain and his wife are worth AT LEAST $700 million dollars. He has no idea of what the working poor and middle class people live. I honestly dont think that he dont care to know. He talks a good game just like Bush did. Bush lied to the american people. Many broken promises. He didnt care about taxes, or the working poor, or middle class families. Bush came from a rich family background. Once he got in office he made the rich richer. Thats all that man has done in the last 8 years. Mc Cain is going to let everything stay the same. He is worth at least 700 Million dollars. What does he care about someone who just lost their job and home? Bush lead this country into recession. If Mc Cain gets in office nothing will change and this country will go into a depression.




  1. Not me. I've seen what he's done in Arizona. It ain't pretty.

  2. Oh Lord help you..........Obama will destroy this country. I can't wait till  you all that vote for him, if he is elected, gets a big dose of Barrack Hussein Obama.

  3. If McCain wins the presidency the next four years will be like Bush's third term.

    Politicians tell a bunch of c**p to our faces and then do a bunch of completely different c**p behind our backs. They lie, cheat, and steal, and don't care about what effect it has on the people of America. It doesn't effect THEM after all, in a negative way that is, they only get more money. Yay corruption.

  4. I think McCain is a good and decent man, but I happen to agree with you on this one.

    He was raised in a privileged home and married rich. He has no clue. That trip to the grocery today was probably the first in many years.

  5. I honestly think every Presidential candidate goes into the game with the view to better their nation. I even believe this in the case of George W Bush, who I detest.

    If you think presidential candidates don't have these intentions (paved on that famous road) then don't vote. I'm not trying to sound harsh, but it'd be better to abstain if you think these people are evil.

  6. and you think obama will? all politicians are in it for their own ego and power.they might talk a good game but they all are looking out for #1.

  7. Hahahahahaha!  McCain has been made into a "Republican" now.  He licks Bush's boots daily.  To "Republicans" there are no working poor - only lies to write and circulate.

    Let's have some War Crimes trials!

  8. Kate  strikes again I had to educate her in another question before this one. Here we go again back to what should have been learned in 12th grade government class. Kate you have not seen McCain do anything to Arizona. Let me explain. The governor and the state senate and state house of reps make all the laws for the State of Arizona. John McCain is a UNITED STATES Senator. He helps to make laws and policy for all states....not just Arizona.

    Now on to the poster. Hellooooo. Do you thank Obama is poor. Just in case you did not know Obama is a multi millionaire. So how does Obama know about the "working poor". Also, would you not categorize changing your opinion overnight on all the issues to appease the voters "political business as usual".  At least McCain stands by what he says. The only change comming from Obama is his answers.

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