
Who thinks that McCain will have let Palin withdraw within a week?

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...probably for the sake of party unity.




  1. HUH ???  Did Sinclair let Obama withdraw?

  2. No way!  No how!  No Obama!

    Palin is a winner and her nomination just put McCain in The White House.

  3. judging from the response in here, she won't last until the convention...drat, such great material, too, for the late night comics. Hey, can anyone spell harriet meyers? or is it meirs?  

  4. In your DREAMS!  

    Having Palin on the ticket has made the GOP STRONGER.  

    Rush Limbaugh was cheering her today on the radio as were the people calling in.

    McCain / Palin 2008!

  5. what? you mccain suppporters dont like palin? hahaha.

  6. LOL.  THe party loves her.  I am sure he doesnt control her.  I wouldnt blame her either because of the ugliness already.  Obama supporters are disgraceful on here.  I would guess no  one has even heard of her until today and now they are experts on her personal life.  Sucks!

  7. Mary D, you got that one right.  All that Biden will leave of her is a pathetic pile of leftover bones.  She is way out of her league.  

  8. Personally, I'm impressed with the pick - though surprised.  I first heard of Palin when she was in the news with her latest child, a down syndrome victim.  I learned some appreciation for her at that time.  As for her being a rookie or inexperienced I would say that that just may be a good thing for this country.  I'm fed up with all the relics that haunt the halls of Congress.

    I like her.  She seems to have True Grit.

  9. There's no way that he would ever ask her to step down. She's an excellent selection for his VP.

    McCain in '08!

  10. why you democrats are so afraid of that "unexperienced" woman? you democrats must start tolerating women, hillary´s legacy is just starting

  11. nope

    the liberals are in a panic right now


  12. I LOVE HER!

  13. She subscribed to this notion ,so-let her suffer the consequence's of her actions.She has whored herself out in the most repugnant way known to human-kind.

  14. what a ridiculous notion.  when will you libs get the fact that conservatives are not racist or sexists.

  15. why?

  16. "A governor for just 20 months, she was two-term mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, a town of 6,500 where the biggest issue is controlling growth and the biggest civic worry is whether there will be enough snow for the Iditarod dog-mushing race."    ..

    ..The biggest worry she has had was whether there would be enough snow for the dog race.

  17. Nope,  Good PR all the way around.  Even tho she's a relative rookie, she will appeal to a wide audience.  Good choice I think.

  18. Why she is a great choice. A real conservative,  

  19. She is in it for the long haul.  Don't cry about it.

    Deal with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Why would he?  That's ridiculous.  

  21. Oh wait until the debates, then he will realize that picking an inexperienced VP will only haunt him...maybe he likes his women that way.  Biden will come after her like a pit bull and she will melt into the floor.

  22. Maybe clever like a fox to drop her. Maybe that is the real plan. Here's my scenario. Not from the internet tubes. All mine.

    1. McCain's internal polls show he'll lose big.

    2. He taps Palin knowing she is terribly flawed.

    3. He does this to energize and once again use the whackaloon fundies as the GOP does over and over. As planned, they are ecstatic.

    4. More awful news about Palin comes out and she either withdraws or the great maverick plays a huge maverick card, zigzags, and dumps her for the good of the nation. He shows he REALLY cares about stuff larger than himself.

    5. Then he chooses who he REALLY wanted to marry. Ridge or even Robert Gates.

    6. Palin has given no interviews. That is peculiar.

    7. McCain withdrew tonight from a long scheduled interview with Larry King, Mr. Softie. He blamed the interview w/ Tucker Bounds on CNN. This is not normal feisty McCain behavior. King had nothing to do with the interview

  23. I'd say the odds are 50:50.  If handlers cannot come up with indesputable proof that S. Palin is Trig Palin's mom vs. B. Palin, she will be out.  That one is the back-breaker within all of the nasty skeletons Palin brings with her (Troopergate, s**t daughter, etc.).  Of course if it happens they will spin it as all warm & fuzzy family reasons, while really it'll be for scandalous, hypocratic family reasons, which of course epitomizes the right-wingers of this time.  No matter what I will continue to think it is awesome entertainment watching the shrill old warmonger fall squarely on his face.

  24. durrrr

    your dumb go away

  25. more likely 'cause she will be appearing on Jerry Springer soon.  

  26. any reason behind that ridiculous thought?  thought not

  27. Can't see why, she's unified the party more in a day, than he has since he became the presumptive.

  28. Are you kidding . Cant you tell he is hot after her . Its so obvious . The old dog !

  29. your crazy

    obama's plagiarist  write any new Speechs lately  ????


    how many delegates did Joe end up with this time     8


  30. Her pregnant (5 months) seventeen year old daughter will be the last straw. Palin may accept nomination, but as the numbers start coming in, she will thankfully withdraw.  



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