
Who thinks that Michele Wie's managers did her a great disservice by allowing her to play in the PGA so early?

by Guest66141  |  earlier

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And do you think that PGA officials should be horse whipped for the obvious grab for the bucks and publicity?




  1. At the risk of showing my age, seeing her at 13 I kept thinking of Jennifer Capriati and some of the young tennis prodigies.

    At some point, her parents and professional representation are supposed to look after her well being.

    Honestly, there's so much blame to go around that it's hard to know where to start.

    If she took an entire year off from golf, went to school, lived a normal life of a 18/19 year old girl, and came back...great.

  2. who cares.... it's so much fun watching her shoot 81 now.

    If I had to hear how great she was before...  I get to enjoy how bad she is now.

  3. Her managers had no way of predicting that her golf game would crumble the way it did.  And at the same time it is really not their jobs to give her advice, it's her parents.  And everybody knows her parents are like many sportstar wannabe parents, pushy, short sighted and money grubbing.  In contrary to Tiger Woods parents who encouraged, supported, but never forced him to do what he was not ready to do.

  4. A terrible dissservice. I only hope she can discover her game

  5. as long as she keeps showing up on an LPGA event from time to time, its ok.  Those long silky legs of hers are to die for!

  6. Wie's Manager did her one great service about 15 Million Dollars in Endorsements $$$$$$$$$ , I bet some Companies want some of that money back right now !!!

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