
Who thinks that Princess Diana was killed?

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It's now 10 years since Princess Diana died. Personally I think that it was just a tragic accident, but after all the current news coverage of the inquest is there anything to be gained by dragging it all up again, or should we just let her rest in peace?After all what is there to be gained from this inquest?




  1. Dodi's Dad must be about the only person that thinks it was on purpose.

    She certainly doesn't seem very noble or saintly when every little detail is revealed- no better than the house wife next door!

  2. ffs, leave her alone!

  3. I think it was an accident. No-one could have planned any of it since even they didn't know what their plane for that night were.  This ongoing obsession with conspiracy theories is a complete waste of time, effort & money. I can understand that Mohammed al-Fayed needs to blame someone for his son's death but now is the time to call a halt. Does he not realise how hurtful this must be to her boys? They, & he, need to have some closure.

  4. Let her and herchildren rest in peace. We all know she has had reconstructive surgery is is now living happily in the Bahamas. Leave it alone and let it drop. It does not really matter.

  5. yes she was certainly killed - but wether it was by a lump of mercedes or by order of the royal family or a certain millionair - who knows?

  6. It was just a car accident but too many people can't accept that their heroine could die in such a mundane way.

  7. It was an accident caused by drink driving.

  8. Its probably the media who was going after her and the driver of her car and police put it as an accident but for now it just an accident no one really knows how it happens they just animate how it happen but not for sure if that how it happened.

  9. Perhaps the person or persons responsible will become known, and maybe even punished.

    Diana is at peace.  Getting to the bottom of things will not disturb her rest, I am sure.

  10. She was killed. It is seen from the inquest. Its always swinging between whether she loved Dodi or not. Which means that that point was of the utmost importance to various parties and that makes me think they killed her for going with Dodi.

  11. Poor Princess Diana  should be left in peace now, why people are still raking or trying to rake up dirt ten years later God knows.  She died in a car accident and that is just what it was an accident. :)

  12. Oh man this question is getting really boring. Why don't you let it just go!!!!!

  13. It was an accident.

    It was tragic.

    There was no plot.

    It's over!

    best of luck to you!

  14. when will everyone leave her too rest.!!

  15. the old boy from Harrods!!!   hope this helps lol

  16. i think theres no way of knowing so its a waste of time debating over it. she didnt like the attention when she was alive, and i dont think she would still want it decades after shes dead.

  17. It is stupid I agree. Why dont they just accept that a person died in a tragic car accident and move on instead of looking at the same evidence again. If some standard person died in the same type of accident in the same way there would be an investigation and they would tell the public that it must have been an accident and the press might have caused it accidentely. Problem solved. But 10 years later they are still saying that the accident was some mastermind crime, and there is loads of conspiricy ideas. Leave the woman alone!

  18. I do so agree with you.

    Frankly I don't really care.

  19. she died in an accident

  20. a possible alternative theory is that dodi and diana arranged their own deaths in a suicide pact.

    after all - she did say she would not go quietly and ten years on - she is still big news.

    i believe she and dodi found a love that would never have been allowed to flourish, bearing in mind the antagonism between the two families, and perhaps they have a place in heaven together

    or am i just an old romantic!

  21. I think it is high time to put this question to bed

  22. As far as I'm concerned it was a car accident. And i think it's wrong for them to be still dragging it out like they are doing no good can come of it. It's disrespectful to her and her family !! :)

  23. it is the law an inquest has to be held when someone dies in a road accident

  24. She was certainly killed, but how it happened will never be disclosed and the current inquest is a farce.  I hope that Burrell vomit will creep back to Ameica. If he knew anything untowards like Prince Phillip and the secret service murdering Diana he would be the first person to run to the press long ago.  The white car which was allegedly there, has never been discovered and if I was driving it, I wouldn't come forward.  Imagine being known all your life that you were the person who "killed" Princess Diana.  Like most incredible people, she will only become more loved and talked about. There have always been conspiracies in sudden death, JFK, Marilyn Munro, Lord Lucan, etc.  Makes money you see.

  25. yeh, her driver was drunk and lost control.....parparazzi were part of the cause.

    I do not think it iwas a conspiracy, I think it was very unfortunate..and the palace proved they were unfeeling, selfish, incompetent, ninnies at how they dealt with it.

    , but I have never been a big supporter of the royal  monarchy... I think they drain the economy of England, and the days of kings and feudal lords are over....yes, I am Canadian.....

    I feel Diane could have had a good life with Dodi Fayed...

  26. it is every ones right to an inquest, not a courtesy thing, it is a legal right, something she should have had done many years ago.

    if you watch the documentary, it opens up a whole new can of worms.

    I'm not a royalist, however I do believe given who she was, she deserves this hearing, inquest trial, whatever ones chooses to call it.

  27. Yes, by her own egotism and choice of lifestyle !

  28. ya i heard tht it was an accident but i dont believe tht its an accident surely they must hav killed her.

    we hav to bcoz truth shud not b buried with her.

  29. I'm fed up with all the conspiracy theories.

    She died because the driver was drunk but has been resurrected and murdered a million times by the media and a paranoid Egyptian who owns Harrod's.

    Maybe Madeleine McCann and Lord Lucan teamed up to do her in?

  30. I want to know where Hoffa is!!!!

  31. I think it's worth remembering that Mohammad Al Fayed lost as son too and he believes his he was murdered. If I lost a member of my family and thought the circumstances were suspicious I would want to make sure that the person / people responsible, if any, were made accountable.

    I don't believe it's fair though for  the personal details of a persons life to made public, I think the only thing that's relevant is the outcome and that is all that should be reported on.

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