
Who thinks that the Roughriders can stick in the 2nd spot in the West, or will they get 1st and the Leos Fail?

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If Saskatchewan falls to 3rd I am going to kill myself.




  1. Never count out the Lions as they seem to find a way to win and get first place.

    I would like to see the Roughriders win though.

  2. thats not gonna happen.........they have to beat the Bombers twice, a feat that no team has done.........

    then win their last 2 and even then, Calgary has to basically go 4-0

    while sask would go 1-3.

    Not gonna happen.

    Can they finish 1st?  Probably not but does it really matter?  Once you get to the playoffs, its a whole new season.......Riders get home field advantage first time in 19 years.

  3. They both have fairly equal schedules to finish the year with 2 games against either Hamilton or Edmonton, and they both stand a good chance of going 4-0 or 3-1 for the stretch.  The 'riders are 3 points back, so they need to win 2 more games than BC.  Not gonna happen, but they won't fall to third since Calgary is 5 points back and has a very tough schedule.

    'Riders will host their first playoff game since Sir John A was Prime Minister.

  4. Love the Riders, but B.C has the tie breaker. Riders will finish second but will win Western Final this year (hopefully McCallum will miss a 20 yd f/g to loose it for B.C.) and meet Bombers in Grey Cup!

  5. Well  ithink given the peformances of the two teams in question in Winterpeg in the last couple weeks, the Lions are still better than the Roughies on the road at least.  And with Burris down I think Calgary is no longer a threat.  Smith has looked horrible at qb.  So i can see gang green finishing second.

  6. i hope roughriders finish first so it'll be a good chance the grey cup will be Bombers vs Roughriders =)

  7. They'll finish second.  Burris is back on the Stamps' roster, but there's no guarantee he'll play this week.  Even if he does, I think that the Riders have enough of a lead over Calgary in the points race that second place is safe.  You can bet that Hank will be back for the playoffs though, which should make things interesting.

    And I do think it will be Calgary-Saskatchewan in the West Semi-Final.  The BC Lions have always found ways to win this season, and are practically invincible at home.  They're definitely the team to beat.  I don't think that Saskatchewan will catch them, but they will be hosting the semi-final, at least.

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