
Who thinks that the Russia should use nukes and wipe US off the map.

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for arming and instructing the georgian forces, that broke the peace agreement, ruined the town, killed thousands of civilians, more than 10 russian peacekeepers, i mean Russia have to do something considering US troops took part in genocide in the region Russia promised to help to keep peace.




  1. Hahaha...I sincerely hope that's sarcasm.

    It's not genocide and it's not war. Russia is doing, without all the pre-conflict snazz, the same thing we did with Iraq. Only difference is this was, two decades ago, part of their sovereign territory.

    Who's the empire now? Huh?

  2. I don't agree with your over all position it's obvious, but you do have a point. Georgia did go after the russian loyalists in Odessia. It seems the Georgians did come down on the town because they wanted to be anexed to Russia.

    Does this make the Russian action justified? Nope ... and how someone could talk about how the USSR should attack the US over this? What did the US do? That's just stupid.

    Russia should be attacked, and now. The Georgian government is a democratically elected government and the town is in their territory. Russia probably coordinated with the resistance fighters in Odessia to start up right as the Olympics started, so they could invade at a time when focus in on that.  It's to obvious.

    Russia's actions are unproked acts of war, and Georgia is our ally, there is no question but that we should defend them. We need to do it now, and hard enough that there is no question that you don't want to do this kind of thing. This is how Hitler started out, and he was ignored by the Europeans, you can't ever let this kind of thing go.

    Russia should be punnished harshly, and for a long time over this. Basically until the KGB jerks leave Russian government.

  3. At that point Russia would be wiped off the map too and everyone loses and you're full of c**p if you think the US had ANYTHING to do with it.  Put the pipe down and step away from the computer before you hurt yourself.

  4. ohhh why not

    jk if they did theyd be nuked too

  5. Considering I live here ....I am going with NOOOOOO!

  6. another ignorant question, with no clue on what you are talking about... why would Georgia want to attack Russia first?  look at the size of them?  

  7. yeah, after they blow the dust off those old warn out bombs, that probably don't work anyways.

  8. C'mon don't be so 'Naive'!!!

    Russia could have handled that better. There was NO need to go in 'balls-to-the-wall' and overrun a small Sovereign Country! Russia has been looking for an EXCUSE to 'STOP/Destroy' the Democratic Country of Georgia ANY excuse would have done.

    Frankly I don't know enough about 'why' they, Georgia  didn't 'exclude' Odessia (Sp.?) from their Boundaries!

  9. shoot if russia nuked the U.S. there *** will be nuked to!

    especially puttin and the other Dickheaddd!

  10. Russia's definition of peace must be different than mine.

  11. mutual assured destruction nice job what do you do for an encore  

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