
Who thinks that the Teen Choice awards Dance showdown was totally rigged?

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ACDC was a thousand times better than miley and mandy. They just thought fans would be happier if Miley won! Who agrees?




  1. I probably would agree but everyone in my city's satalite went out for like 20 minutes so we didn't get to see Miley's dance. I was so mad because I didn't get to see a lot of the awards that people won. (Is there anyway to see that? Is it on youtube?)

  2. YEAH maybe it was rigged.


    acdc > m&m cru .

    hands down.

  3. I didn't watch it. Anything with Miley & the Jonas Brothers is a given

    that it will be horrible. But are you kidding me? There is NO comparison

    to ACDC and Miley. LMFAO, that girl can not sing. That's rude that she won. She's like 10.

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