
Who thinks that the US should get involved militarily, and wipe russia off the map.

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for messing with allied georgia, i mean we have to do something considering georgia has troops in iraq.




  1. What makes you think the Russians weren't saying the same thing when we went into Iraq

  2. I love how people who are not in the military are so quick to volunteer our troops up for more danger....

  3. Why would you want to do that? Russia has given us Sambo, hot Russian p**n chicks and Vodka. They should just have Screwdrivers then watch hot Russian p**n chicks wrestling and making out. Problem solved!

  4. I don't think you're going to see any big rush on the Army recruiting stations by Americans demanding to be part of the big invasion.  

    Seriously, I think it's really impressive how big a fight people on Yahoo are anxious to get the US into, as long as it's someobdy else getting deployed.

    I doubt Russia is going to march all over Europe any time soon.  They will have to consider NATO and the US in due course.  

    I don't think there's a great need to worry too much about Georgia.  The Georgians miscalculated.  Maybe the US stupidly helped them in that miscalculation, it wouldn't surprise me.  

    Be that as it may.  The  US' options are pretty limited now where Georgia's concerned.  

    If you want to fly over there and kill Russians on your own dime, be my guest.

  5. we have a lot of sh i t on our plate right now

  6. i wish we could. but aren't we etting oil form russia. it wouldn't be so smart to go to war with russia now would it?

  7. Short of wiping Russia off the map, I agree that something must be done.  I would prefer a diplomatic solution in which Russia withdraws from Georgia and S. Ossetia.

  8. I don't think any sound and logic person in America would think we can wipe Russia off the map without Russia wiping us off too. Be realistic. Georgia is an ally but the fact that our government doesn't aid them militarily is because Georgia falls in the same category of expendable allies just like Pakistan and Afghanistan. They are toyed with and used as a front for our countries imperialistic agendas since they have no real value and can be easily replaced either strategically or leadership wise.

  9. The United States, nor any other country, has any right to wipe any other 'off the map,' nor do we have the capability to subordinate the Russian Federation.

    I believe this is an instance where the United Nations would be an effective instrument. Recall the Korean and Bosnian Wars, where the UN was quite capable, with the backing of its member states. Of course, times and Security Council members have changed.

    Let's see the UN fulfill its obligation to obliterate the 'scourge of war.' I would certainly enjoy seeing the day when mankind refuses to kill each other.

  10. No because Russia has quite a few allies and plus Georgia start this war with Russia because they invaded Russia.

  11. Wow, do you have a death wish, Russia is just as capable of wiping the US off the face of the earth. Are you related to Napoleon, Stallin, or Hitler?

  12. Are you sure?

  13. I just want to clarify this for those of us who are dumb, idiotic, or just misinformed. Georgia did not invade Russia. Georgia invaded a breakaway province known as South Ossetia, they then invaded and attempted to wrest control of Abkhazia another province within the country that had been allowed to rule autonomously since the COUNTRY of Georgia to drive the Georgian military out of the separatist provinces South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Both have a large population of civilians who claim Russian Citizenship, HOWEVER, it is not a part or Russia, or the Russian Federation in any way shape or form, or at least as recognized by the international community. Russia is the agressor here, it invaded a country past the point of driving out the Georgian Military and securing the provinces. It got involved in a civil war (seem familiar?) except, in this case, Georgia is retreating, realizing that it has woken the great sleeping red bear.  

  14. Not wipe Russia off the map i don't even want to see America go and attack Russia I want the US and NATO and the EU to push Russia back from Georgia......and than defende Georgia's border for them but not attack Russia we should do fro Georgia like what we did for kaiwait....

  15. not necessarily wipe every single one of them off the map... but make them stop what they are doing or trying to do? yes  

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