
Who thinks that the people who want illegals out of the US should....?

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Be forced to work the jobs they left, get charged more taxes to make up for the taxes and the money the economy won't be getting after the immigrants are deported?

No race card, just talking illegals and people who want them out of the US.




  1. I also would take a job that an illegal doesnt want, because ive been in this country all of my life and i dont think that this gives an illegal precedent over a job just because he cant afford to find his/or her way back to their homeland, if you are here illegaly PAY YOUR DAM TAXES! or else be ready for deportation day...hmmm maybe we should declare that as a national holliday..get it?

  2. I already do the jobs they do, I'm in construction.

    Who thinks people that defend illegals should have to pay for their health care, taxes they don't pay, education and welfare?

  3. Actualy i stole thier job i do land scaping in my neighborhood because the mexicans they kept bringing up worked about 1/5th as much as i do. Basically it would take five of them to do the work i could do in one day and i was able to undercut thier costs. Although once i get my degree i will get payed more and landscaping wont provide the money i would want. But if you want to look for people to do the illegals jobs have ya heard of like 10-15 year olds getting jobs mowing lawns or perhaps highschool and colllege  students working at fast food chains. So yes i have worked an illegals job and as an illegal in mexico getting payed 10 times what an average mexican would. SO i say bring it on 12 million is a drop in the bucket to this country so kick there asses out.

  4. Guess what buddy, the anti's have been doing those jobs since before the invasion and will again after the exodus.   Do the illegals not realize that the supposed "pros" do not want them here for altruistic reasons?  The only reason the pros want them here is so they can continue to pay wages below living rate.   Its the big corporate pros to the individual employer that employ these illegals who are getting rich off of them.  We have minimum wage in this country for a reason and plenty of people would work for minimum wage if the criminals were not working for less than that.  Imagine, if they were legal they'd have to be paid at least minimum wage, but the pros aren't going for that.  There's a two-sided reason amnesty won't go through.  The antis want things legal and the pros don't.   Its funny, the pros call us racist, yet they are the slavemasters of the 21st century and they don't even have to ship the slaves in, they come of their own free will.  What a system.

  5. We do not need any slave labor in the USA and illegal immigrants work in substandard conditions for substandard wages. The employers who hire them are greedy criminals. We, as a country, should not allow the exploitation of these desperate (the illegals) human beings. It does nothing to serve the interests of our country or humanity as a whole. That is why our immigration laws need to be enforced.

  6. Illegals don't pay taxes that's the biggest problem they come here illegally and work and i have to pay for them to go to the hospital or get food stamps and they pay nothing back in the system so before you post something know the facts

  7. I have a job, thanks.

    Oh no - greasy - who will pick the cotton?

    Another fact you seem to be ignorant of - over 70% of this countries' fruits and vegetables come from other countries.

  8. we would be happy to work their jobs. do you know how many people come in my work and talk about how they have been laid off for months and cannot find work.

  9. That would be a great idea. Illegals will never be gone entirely, and people who sit in front of a computer all day will never work, there is work out there now for people who really want it.

  10. I have been looking for a job for 5 years .. I will be glad to work their jobs.. in a heartbeat... now come back with a response to that.

  11. I have a better idea. I think those people should be forced to go live on an Indian Reservation where the land is unarable. They should go live right near Yucca Mountain where there's a nuclear waste sight. Then they can hear all the Native Americans give them a bunch of grief about living on the land that these American citizens once took from the Natives.

  12. I think those jobs would fill pretty quick and the economy would balance out which employers would go out of business and who would pay fair wages to Americans and turn a profit.

  13. Wouldn't it be wonderful if a case study could be done just to see what the results really would be? I mean, if nothing else, perhaps a certain city that is "brimming" with undocumented immigrants. Then statistics could show just how many people were willing to fill those jobs and more importantly whether or not they KEEP the job, or if they decide it too much c**p.

    Oh, for those who are under the misconception that illegal immigrants don't pay taxes. They do by using an ITIN. In fact, you can not get an ITIN if you have a social security number - basically meaning that it is specifically designed for the very people you claim do not pay taxes. Furthermore, last I checked EVERYONE pays for taxes when they purchase goods (well, maybe not food and clothes in the state of New Jersey... but I think you get my drift).

    "God bless us, Everyone." Tiny Tim

  14. And what about the corporations that get away from paying low rates to these illegals, while saddling the taxpayer with the social costs of educating, providing health care, and incarcerating these illegals. Why should the corporations, restaurants, factories, or farms get all the benefits while the taxpayer gets the costs?

  15. you ask this question to spark a anger debate, not offer a solution to the problem. I'm a working taxpayer, what should my tax dollars be spent on in regards to people being here illegally using services paid for with "my" tax dollars. Do you pay taxes? If not, you shouldn't be asking this question in the first place, if you do, what should it be spent on....our country is in deficit now, the dollar is weak, gas is high, medical expenses are out the roof, what should tax dollars be spent on. You see, I'm part of the collective of taxpayers in the U.S., I have my opinion, I back the law of immigration through legal means. Have a great day!

  16. All in theory, like comunism. It works very nicely in theory, but in real life it is an entirely different case

    They rant basically because they hate immigrants, legal or illegal, no discrimination. They hate all.

    But since they cannot rant against the legals, they rant against the illegals

    According to Mark Twain, in the XIX century, people gather and hanged a Chinese, just for fun. Perhaps the Chinese were illegals and had absolutely no rigths, ( like some people say here ) except to be hanged

    In the 19602, in Miami there were signs that said: "no dogs or Cubans allowed", and I can say that we were legals

  17. Yes 1Pilot, they DO pay taxes using an ITIN. Unless they are paid under the table, in which case they and their employers are not paying taxes...but most that work for reputable companies pay taxes and have taxes taken out of their checks. Greasy is right to state that they do pay. And I agree that 5 years is a long time to not being able to find a job. I know its harder to get a job NOW, but 5 years ago it wasnt that hard. Walk into any McDonalds and you should be able to walk out with a job.

    Edit: fragglerockqueen, there was an article recently that explored the effect  on jobs and the economy if all illegals were taken out. Here is the link

    I found it interesting, Happy reading!

  18. I love the way you think GreasyTony! BTW I think they should be forced to work instead of going around the streets asking people for their money having the opportunity to work at least at MacDonald's with having to hide(I was talking about those useless residents and citizens with green cards hehehehehe)! As for the other people that do have a job they say they work but its no good for people! Unlike illegal immigrants working in the hot sun all day working their hearts out or doing all those crappy jobs! I also how in  food commercials they put white people picking up the crops that's fake! Why don't they put the real immigrants working huh? BTW I'm white and I know people are going to want to say bad thing about me, but here's what I say: I don't care!  I hate those RACIST people that say we should take the immigrants out that's so selfish why not just share the earth It's not like the earth it theirs?

    Mexi.... can't...... I care a s**+* what you think of me because you know what I saying the truth. That's why you people are so pissed  because it makes you mad. and i know this will make you madder: HA HA and  HA don't care!!

    If it's about he race then here you go Mexicans aren't the only ones who work hard people from Guatemala, people from El Salvador, Nicaragua and other countries DUH!!!!!!! I speak for everyone and i bet you are 50 yearOLD man who only picks on people because they think differently!!

  19. Oh please if these people really wanted a job they would find one.  They're too busy gettin high, raping little kids and killing their families.  These Immigrants just come to make some dollars.  And US Citizens just use that as an EXCUSE.  GET OFF UR BUTTS AND GET A JOB.

  20. h**l YEAH! make them pay for it! they are the ones wanting them deported. Let them get a taste........but I bet they wouldn't last out in the field for more then an hour right now.

  21. The money saved by removing all illegals (no race card) from this country would be enough to give us all a tax cut.

  22. I think that the people who want illegals out want this, since that is what they will get if it happens.

  23. Who on earth thinks we need 20 million illegal fruit pickers?

    Illegals don't just pick fruit, go outside once in a while an off the computer and you will see this. It's called the "real world".

    Hanging out at Home Depot sounds real hard LOL. not.

    Illegals work no harder than anyone else, and if fruit picker jobs need  a few migrant workers to be filled, fine, deport the rest.  Aside from fruit picker, I find mos Illegals rather lazy, heck, they can't ever com here the legal way, now that's lazy.  At least most Americans aren't criminals or panhandle like illegals.

  24. I think if they kicked out all of the illegals out of this country.  The country would survive just fine.

    There are so many people out of work right now.  I'm sure they would love to have some of these jobs.

    I also think that it's the companies that want people to believe that no one will these jobs, so they can hire illegals and pay them low wages.

    I think some stuff will be more expensive, because the new legal workforce will have to get health benefits and get more money than minimum wage, but you think of all the extra money the hospitals won't have to dish out for all these illegals that get treated when they are sick, but have no insurance so they don't pay anything.  

    You no longer would need to have uninsured motorist insurance, because most people that have a driver's license need to have insurance.

    The schools would have more money, because they don't have to teach a second language to kids that can't speak english.

    The classes would be smaller and they can concentrate on teaching them something other than a new language.

    I think in the long run, we'd be better off.

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