
Who thinks that there is a supernatural world out there?

by  |  earlier

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i would like to know, even the slightest chance, of existence of the supernatural world. such as vampires or werewolves. i mean if us humans and other creatures exist, why shouldnt they?




  1. duh of course they exist

  2. i yhink there maybe things out there such as those, but not the way we read of them in book and see them in movies. i belive they r a but more civilized!

  3. Of course. But I don't think it's "out there" but rather weirdly connected to our's.

  4. vampire, werewolves i don't know.

    mabye there are half-human-like-half-wolf  living being similar to werewolf from another planet, galaxy, universe. since the universe is extremely large and life is possible in earth, it is possible to have life in other planet as well.

    if there are really these half-man-half-wolf being and some people claim they have seen them before, perhaps it's the spirit of these half-man-half-wolf they saw.

    i believe only those who leaves or without a physical body can use/ enter the portal to go to the supernatural world

    or even use portal or wormhole to travel 100,000,000 miles in 3 seconds to travel from one area to another

  5. Supernatural is an oxymoron... if they exist in nature! Then they aren't supernatural!  Basically there is no such thing as the supernatural because it is all natural just unknown.  Nothing a good scientist wont be able to figure out eventually.

  6. Hmm, thats tricky! I don't believe in beings like that existing outside of wannabe fans (which is fine and ok if they wanna do that!) but I do believe in the paranormal and unexplained. There are lots of people out there with strange powers and stuff. Maybe not to a movie-degree but still.......I've seen documentrys about people who are magnetic (metal things stick to them) or they can power electricity with touch, or be buried alive and survive days.

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