
Who thinks that with the oppression of women, sometimes women are their own worst enemy?

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Who thinks that with the oppression of women, sometimes women are their own worst enemy?




  1. me.

  2. Misogynist women sure are.

  3. Oh Oh Pick me!!! *holds arm up in air and waves*

  4. I don't think some women have enough education or information about their rights and they know little else beside their own culture.

  5. I do.

  6. Yes, I believe this. Example: Chinese foot binding. Chinese men did not bind little girl's feet, Chinese women did. Mothers, aunts and female elders.  

  7. I agree 100%.

  8. There are many examples of that.

    Barbie, fgm, breast ironing, dressing 4 year olds like hookers...........

  9. I do concur, women defiantly can be their own worst enemy. No doubt about it.

  10. Women are their own worst enemy and they are not oppressed they are crazy and they ruin things for those who want to be wives and mothers to their family.

    But praise God I'm able to be just that even though I put up with a lot of garbage because I don't have any desire to work outside of the home.

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