
Who thinks the Blachawks have a chance at the cup before 2012?

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I love those guys & every year I'm hopeful. What do you think it would take to make them a winning team?




  1. they are already a playoff team this year, they were only 3 points back of the playoffs this season. they have one of the best puck moving defensemen in the nhl, and a good goalie in huet. they have patrick kane and jonathen towes that will carry the offense for a long time. they also have havlat and lang and patrick sharp. i think if they can find a deal to get khallibullin out for an experienced guy they have a legitimate shot at making a deep run as close to next year.

  2. Next year will go a long way to telling us how good Chicago will be.  They will be much improved and should make the playoffs in '08-'09.  That will tell them what they need to do to make the next step - what trades or free agent signings they need to make in '09-'10.  

    In any case, they should be good next year, and that's great to see because they are an awesome franchise from an awesome city.

    BTW, Huet was the best free agent signing this year.

  3. seeing them a lot over the past couple years... I wouldn't be surprised... and with the improvements they made this offseason.. the only one i didnt care for was the borque trade... who knows?  they might be able to... one step at a time... first make the playoffs... that goes for every team.

  4. Sure they have a chance by 2012. And so do 29 other teams. Anything can happen between now and then.

  5. The BlackHawks are a great team right now on paper. They have some experienced players and a lot of young ones. I still think they will need a good run in the playoffs as a learning and teaching experience before that can win the CUP. But they have the talent and will begin their journey to the top next season!

  6. heck they have a good shot THIS season if they all stay healthy..and a shot every year after that

  7. are you one of those people that believe we are all gonna die in 2012?

    i think they have a chance at it!

  8. They have added some nice peices and have a nice group of young kids that should develop into a great core of players. The concern is the cost of yesterdays buying binge. They had to overpay (by quite a bit) to get good players. This puts them real tight on the cap when contracts come due for Toews, Kane Byflugein and Seabrook and possibly in the same position that the Pens just found themselves in. Scoring big in free agency in the cap era seems to hurt more teams than help. Love the Campbell addition, he is an elite defenseman but I am not sold on Huet. He has had a couple of nice runs although keep in mind Montreal decided they could be a better playoff team without him. It is awesome that you are hopeful every year and you should be pleased with the effort (finally, with the old man out of the way his kids seem far more dedicated to winning). They definitely got better, Cup contender better will depend far more on the developement of Kane and Toews more than who they just signed.

  9. for sure

    lots of teams have that chance

    eg. the oilers

    they have lots of talent and made big changes recently

  10. Maybe they will get as high as the top 10 in the league, definitely top 15 by then, but I dont see them becoming a true contender still....also have to keep in mind that by 2012 the team will look different (as will everyones)....if they keep adding like they did last year and this year then yes.....but that will be tough......

  11. I think they have to work out some issues. They have to move a goalie, a deep goalie controversy does not help the team at all and may actually cause a distraction just like the Osgood-Joseph fiasco a few years back in Detroit. Chicago will be a solid team, but they will not be a contender before 2012.

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