
Who thinks the Confederate army had the right to fight for it's cause!!!?

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They were invaded incorrectly for the wrong reason and had a war that never should of existed slavery would have died of natural causes




  1. Who thinks the Confederate army had the right to fight for it's cause!!!?

    I can answer that, ignorant, racist rednecks.

  2. Why are so many people in the south as dumb as cardboard? I know that some of you southerners are direct descents of the Neanderthal clan, but, wouldn't it help to at least TRY and get a grade 2 education?

    While we're at it, incidentally you do not use an apostrophe in between the "t" and the "s", as you did in writing "it's" in your question.

  3. First,  they all signed the Constitution of the USA.   If you read it,  there is no provision in the Constitution for someone to "bail out" of the nation. So in that,  the South was 100% wrong.

    Second,  it is the South that fired the first shot when they started a bombardment on Fort Sumter.   If they did not want a war they should not have started shooting.

    Third,  the first military action by the North was a simple blockade of the south.  No shooting.  

    Fourth, it was not for two months that the North made a move on the South.  

    Lastly, it was never about slavery.  It was about preserving the Union.   Lincoln offered at the very start,  before the shooting started to not ban slavery in order to preserve the union.  The South refused.

  4. Now that I think about it, slavery wouldn't have died naturally if there hadn't of been a war because it would have destroyed the economy and people were extrememly racist back them.  Blacks would still have no rights and be treated like dirt if that war hadn't of happened.  I don't know why some of you southeners are so stupid...  Did your education go down the toilet along with slavery?

  5. Of course the Confederates thought  had a right to fight.

    Did you hear the latest?


    Get over it.

  6. what kind of answers did you expect from the dumb @ss yankees? Now ask any black person if they would prefer Atlanta or Detroit. And have you ever heard of anyone retiring and moving north? The north was going broke and jealous of the good life in the South, so they stole it. If anyone wants to talk about pay back, what about all the land and assets that the carpet baggers stole.

  7. People from the south.

    The civil war happend a long time ago and the south lost. Oh well game over for people who cant get over it.

  8. Yeahhh!!! The South will RISE AGAINEEEEE!

  9. they had a right

    but their reasons were bull ****  

  10. All southerners do.

  11. Slavery would have went on for many more years if the Civil War did not occur. The southerners at the time depended on slave labor to keep their farm based economy going. Without the slave labor the economy would be in shambles. That is why the sharecropping system was started after the Civil War to put former slaves and poor whites in a system similar to slavery in which the newly freed slaves and poor whites had to buy everything from the rich landowners and therefore did not really make any money. They were forced to sign unfair contracts, forced to buy crops from the former slave owners and forced to buy supplies at the local store which was also run by the former slave owners. The whole died of natural causes thing was an excuse for the existance of slavery.  

  12. How would they die of natural causers, would a man-eating sheep eat every white person whom had a slave - no. Humans love slavery, and love to be lazy regularly, it would never have died out. I reckon the confederates had no right and I see Abraham Lincoln as a hero.



  13. slavery=bad

    no more arguing from anybody.  enslaving people who you think are minorities is NOT A GOOD THING.

  14. Slavery vs. States Rights:

    This argument always strikes me as a semantic tactic meant to distract from an ugly issue (people selling people to people) be making it sound like a noble issue (civil rights).

    What right (except the one to own slaves) was specifically being challenged that caused the South to secede?

  15. The Civil War wasn't fought over slavery, but state's rights

  16. Of course and the cause was States Rights and not slavery. To answer the question above-the thing that started it all was taxes on exporting raw cotton to England who would pay more for it then the Northern factory owners would; they tried on numerous occasions starting in the 1850's to do that and the South kept stopping it in the Senate.  I would point out that slavery was not only in the South but in Washington DC, Maryland, Ohio and numerous other Northern states also.  The last two states to abolish slavery were Kentucky and Maryland.  The Emancipation Proclamation only freed the slaves in those areas of the Confederate States which were under Union control and left those in states that did not secede still there.

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