
Who thinks the Jonas Brothers are g*y?

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i don' you?

i think they're hot and talented!...especially nick...whoooooo!

what do you think?





  2. i Do !!  Especailly Keviin!!!!!!  <-------- g*y!

    guys answer;...

  3. nick is my presonal favorite although they all are pretty great yea and i dont think that they are g*y

  4. i don't they're awesome especially joe

    they're hot too

  5. well pretty much the only reason ppl call em g*y is cause as men we hate em and we find em g*y cause well they are but its quite ok for girls to like em:)

  6. I do think that the jonas brothers are g*y. they are the most untalented, avarice- looking, dirty, pieces of scum on the shoe of entertainment. they make eminem look good! they are very homely and poorly dressed for children with their kind of money. at the least they could've wore nice suits instead of the trashy, so called "clothing" they wear. jesus christ they could die for all I care!

    Ta ta,


  7. I really really hate the Jonas Brothers. They are annoying little punk-asses with no appeal or talent at all.

    Typical for a dumb little boy band who made their start on a Baby-Bottle-Pop commercial.

  8. Their all g*y and in the closet. I mean come on have you seen how tight their pants are! Its grabbing too much.

  9. First of all how could nick be g*y when he dated miley? And selena? And on theyre justin tv broadcast joe said his celeb crush was jessica alba? I dont know about kevin though =) I agree with Kay they are not g*y they are hot and talented most people their age dont have the ability to do what they do.Kevin might be a little g*y,but i doubt it.I am pretty sure most of the boys that say they are g*y and other bad stuff because they are jealous because alot of girls like them,and think theyre hot and stuff.I personaly like the jonas brothers and ive heard from the people that do videos on youtube and stuff that went to a meet and greet and said they were nice.So they not not bad people or anything.AND THEYRE MUSIC ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NICK AND JOE ARE HOT BUT KEVINS NOT! Sorry it just coudlnt help myeslf!

  10. no way there so talented

  11. They might be.

    A Lot of people swore Lance Bass wasn't g*y either....

    They are not hot or talented though. I can name tons of people who are more talented and hotter than them.

  12. OMG they are so not g*y...they are awesome boys. THey have great music, good looking, they write from their hearts....My favorite is Nick, Joe and Kevin. I LOVE THEM!!!!!!! I think that they are awesome....hope my opinion Helped!!

  13. Not me, it wouldn't matter to me if they were though.

    Personally I'm a Kevin girl, he doesn't get enough credit most of the time.  

  14. they are all g*y and have s*x with each other

  15. Nick is so hot i love the jonas brothers!!! everyone does!!! I love Nick I love Nick I love Nick I love Nick i love the jonas brothers

    ~ I Love Nick Jonas ~

  16. I definitely think they're a flash'n'the pan and pop sugar. They'll be out just like any other teeny bopper fad.

    It's disgusting they're charging young girls $235 a ticket just to see they're non-talented arses at the Verizon if they were the Rolling Stones or any other group w/ "stamina". Sooo pimpin'!

  17. i dont think themselves are g*y.

    But there outfits/clothes are a little too tight; if you know what i mean. lol

  18. I do...I think they're ugly, and untalented...

  19. They suck, and brittany spears sings better than them!

  20. I think all teen singers suck

  21. NO they are as cute as puppies!

  22. They suck. and have NO talent and Nick has a whiny voice.

  23. Yes

    I Think there g*y AND OVER RATED DEYYY SUCKK

  24. g*y, wannabes, untalented, dont even know why they're famous, hate them, ugly, g*y, gross, wannabes, g*y... oops did i repeat some things?

    In other words... yes.


  26. way g* talent and overhyped...they will fade here soon...but not soon enough

  27. they're not g*y, just losers

  28. NO I LOVE THEM, exspecially NICK!!!

  29. they are the gayest people on earth (after miley cyrus) and they dont deserve the attention

  30. Nick is the HOTTEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think that they are great!

  31. Nick's kinda hot but the other two have cattarpillars for eyebrows! BUT THEY DEFINITLY ARE g*y JUST SO U #1 FANS KNOW!!!!!

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