
Who thinks the London 2012 Olympics is going to be a shambles?

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I'm a Londoner myself and I don't know why but I have this general feeling that we're gonna totally mess up the the stadium falling apart during the Opening Ceremony or something.

We haven't got the discipline and dedication that I've seen in Beijing, and as a result I don't think it will be nearly as good. What about your thoughts?




  1. I come from GB and I don't have a clue on how we are going to pull this one off. It will take a miracle!

  2. This opinion of Beijing has to change. Yes it looked organised and their athletes won a lot of medals, but for God's sake people, the government bulldozed houses without compensating the residents, the builders had zero health and safety measures in place (yes many of them DID die) and they had no insurance. Anyone who demonstrated an ounce of talent at sport had their life taken away from them and they were forced to train train train train all in the name of making the state look powerful.

    Potential demonstrators were put in prison rather than risk them embarrassing the government, the general population could not afford to visit the venues so the events were left with no atmosphere except that provided by the big screens instructing the chosen 'home support' to cheer.

    London will not be as spectacular as Beijing but it will come in at under half the price, and it will not be an exercise in bringing glory to an unelected and cruel government. Plus everyone involved will not be terrified to make a mistake.

  3. I think the biggest problem here is that people will go into 2012 with huge expectations...especially after they comments on outshining Beijing's show.

  4. Don't worry, London 2012 will be great! Have confidence in your great city!

  5. As another Londoner, I really hate this attitude.

    Why are you slagging it off 4 years before it's started?

    We put on festivals, musicals, parades, state events - why not  a great Olympics?

  6. Well, the main problem i see is that the London Olympics are gonna cost a lot more than the Beijing Olympics if you want to get anywhere near the professionalism.

    I remember a while back, a bunch of british citizens were protesting that the Government was lieing to them about the cost of the olympics when they raised taxes to have enough money to actually pay for the stadium.. lol

  7. It's probably gonna turn out alright. Even tho maybe the discipline isn't as high as it was in China, the budget, which is probably better then in China, should make up for it. :P

  8. It'll be pretty mediocre..we'll have music, dancing etc but not as spectacular as the Beijing Olympics.

    By looking at what they did in that 8min presentation - if thats what London is going to produce in 2012 then "God save us!"

  9. I don't think it'll outshine bejing olympics no way - GB (great britain) hasn't got enough money. I think it'll probably be well delayed because things always are in england. Wasn't the wembley stadium completed way past its date? that's what someone told me. It would actually be kinda funny if the stadium fell apart during the opening ceremony - not if anyone got hurt during the collapse though. lol.

    It'll probably to a basic olympics - nothing special. I don't like the proposed stadium. personally i wanted paris to hold it. I liked it.  

  10. One thing that came across about Beijing from a lot of the commentators was the courteous and friendly nature of the people / volunteers.

    I lived in London for one year and it has to be the unfriendliest place I have ever been to.  I can't see that changing just for the Olympics.  

  11. yes, i think we will never beat beijing, it is almost impossible people al over the world saw how bad it was going to be, i mean they couldnt even get the sounding right so we couldnt hear leona.

    but i heard that the spectators have been pretty dissappointed because of the tickets and empty seats and also the food has seemingly been disgusting and the parks and greens havent been full and are small so in that sense we have something to bulid on.

  12. No worries, I think it'll be the complete opposite!

    It has 4 years to prepare. That's a lot of time ;)

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