
Who thinks the Midnight sun leak was done on purpose due to the disaster of Breaking Dawn?

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Breaking Dawn made me cry, because it was'nt in the same leauge as the other ones.

I think they did it on purpose so that the movie sales would'nt go down as much.

And that people might still be interested after that disaster.

Your thoughts?




  1. What happened with Midnight Sun is truely a tradegy. I don't believe this happened on purpose, and obviously, neither did Stephenie Meyer. She did not plan this, and its horrible that something like this could happen and violate her that way. I don't think Stephenie Meyer's forth book was worse than the other ones, it was just different because Bella was no longer human. The great book (or different) wouldn't effect the movie sales.  

  2. I really don't think that's what happened. I mean, if you read what Stephenie Meyer posted on her site, you can tell that she's upset about what happened. Besides, there are plenty of people who still love her books. Why would she torment them with only posting the first 12 chapters, and leave us hanging?

  3. I really never thought about it that was. Personally, being an author myself, I can see where SM is coming from. I think I would be pretty upset if one of my stories leaked out. Especially, if like her, I wanted my reader's to be "surprised" when they first read the book. But then again, I can't see the point in punishing the entire Twilight fans by not continuing the book. I was really looking forward to Midnight Sun. I really wanted to see the scenes in Edward's point of view. I hope she continues to write it, if not in the immediate future then later for sure. The only thing we, the fans, can do now is sit back and hope and pray that she decides to continue to write it.  

  4. I actually think that SM will write that book eventually(anyway, i heard she posted the draft on her official site). It's just a way to drag attention. I wouldn't be surprised if she was the one who posted the book in the first place.

  5. Maybe but Im thinking Stephenie intentionally did it on purpose.  She needs a break.  After the backlash on Breaking Dawn and the movie including the family.  

    Im kind of pissed that she would do this to the fans though.  they were looking forward to it. Oh well

    Life goes on.

  6. Such cynicism from Twilight fans surprises me.  No, I don't think it was a publicity stunt --- certainly not on Stephenie Meyer's part.  She said that she's fairly certain she knows where the leak came from --- If it was someone associated with the publisher or the movie, then that would explain why she is no longer anxious to write the rest.  That would just be more money for their pockets and a reward for doing something that hurt her.  

    Still, I don't think it was purposefully done.  I think Stephenie is truly hurt by the breach of her trust.  I wish her well and hope that she gets over her pain quickly.  Selfishly, I admit, I hope she gets over it enough to finish writing Midnight Sun very soon.  I absolutely love it, and I would buy it even if it was only for one more chapter!

  7. thats a tough question.

    it is a possibility that someone at summit couldve leaked it in hopes of making everyone happy (due to some people being upset over BD) so that people would still want to see the twilight movie.

    but they don't have the TIME to do it!!!

    i just can't believe it happened. its crazy.

  8. hmm it is shame. lol

  9. When I heard about the leak I was sure at the moment that is was done on purpose. I mean, there are hundreds of people who know their job that is to keep someone in full attention of the public. After Breaking Dawn, Stephenie was a junkie that wrote her book on crack, and now after the leak she's that poor author who got her book leaked and we all feel sorry for her, and we WANT the book and we'll definitely see the movie. Everything is about money in this world.And people will give her money now.

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