
Who thinks the NFL is better than rugby?

by Guest59464  |  earlier

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rugby sucks the legends and stars are in the united states. yea our players would destroy those football possers




  1. The sports are so different it is like comparing cricket and tennis.  Both play with balls that get whacked at but other than that, well all difference!

    Better to just appreciate them for what they are: good spectator sports.  Same thing with football and rugby.

    Heft a Fosters, I'll have a Guinness, please, cheers!

  2. Never!! Rugby is way better than any stupid NFL game.

    Football players are little boys trying to be tough they only play because there is padding and lots of money

    Rugby players are awesome.

    They dont need sissy padding

    Rugby Rocks!

  3. Without pads, helmets and cups the NFL boys (yes I mean boys) would be hamburger

  4. "Our players would destroy those football possers". As in your other question your knowledge of the language is totally c**p - what is a posser? Or do you mean poser?

    In any case though, rugby players are not classified as footballers but as the NFL game is called football then I can only assume that you must mean the guys playing that, which thus implies that your players can destroy themselves. Or perhaps you are even more confused in your little mind and have got rugby and "soccer" confused. Think you maybe better go and lie down for a while.

    If you are are trying to be controversial at least make it some kind of sport for us as you are just too easy to pick apart.

    Edited - sorry I take it back. I just read your other questions and see that there are loads of them about WWE wrestling, so you must obviously either be ten years old or have that mental age. Can't really expect you to be too smart.

  5. h**l no! Most of em on Steroids and have alot of padding protection not like rugby pure strength Way Better! they would waste yall!

  6. NFL is better supported and is richer got better sponsership deals and richer players

    in those gatagary's nfl would win in the i am better than you argument

    playing wise they are different sports even in Rugby you have two codes that are totally different

    nfl padded up to the hilt come of for oxyegeon after two plays

    most plays take a while to set up for a few sconds of movment

    rugby faster paced even union is faster than nfl

    for me theres one game that would be the top collision sport and thats rugby league

    but as stated they are different games even within the concept of rugby there are two totally different games and hard to make any comparison for that simple reason

  7. I love NFL but rugby is way more entertaining.  Rugby players are easily more fit than NFL players, they are on the pitch for the duration of the game whereas in NFL, defensive and offensive teams take turns and have lots of opportunities for rest.  

    Also, rugby fans can spell correctly.

  8. NFL rules

  9. why do you want to compare sports? thats just dumb, ull neva win. But if you want to see real rugby then:

  10. ShuggieM... has sad all that needs to be said here.

    Couldn't have put it any better myself.

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