
Who thinks the current site of Buckingham palace would make a fantastic site for a papal basilica?

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Just imagine if they pulled down the palace and built a magnificent RC church!




  1. Papists have this demented misconception that they rule the world.

    I've got a better idea. Sell off all the treasures in the Vatican - that will pay for food for a good proportion of the world's starving millions. Pull down the whole area and build cheap affordable housing for the homeless.

    In the meantime, keep your hands off the home of the Head of the Church of England. (Besides, whats wrong with that cathedral you have in Westminster?)

  2. We gave up sectarianism in England a couple of centuries ago, and someone wants to start it all over again - a celt presumably!

    Anyway, why would anyone want a shrine to fascism?

  3. You are an idiot.

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