
Who thinks the end is near???

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who thinks the world is gonna end soon? why?

because i beileve it is... i hope it doesn't but i think it will... because like of planet x and the anti christ and..everything going on in the world today!!!




  1. I don't think it will end soon. I think we will continue to plod along for a long time. so don't worry, go treat yourself to an icecream cone

  2. I don't really.  But you'd probably like a movie called Soylent Green about a future (it was made in the 70's so the future might be right now depending on the date they said) where the world is dying from overpopulation and pollution.

  3. youre insane.

    what do you think is going to cause the end of the world?

    after there has been peace in the middle east for 5 years, the world will crumble. there i said it.

  4. This is more of a philosophy question than an environment question.  If you were asking if it seems that we're in danger of bringing about our own end because most of the people who post here are openly hostile to all efforts to preserve the environment, I would say yes.  In the face of such willful and malicious harm to the ecosystem, the mystical predictions are beside the point.

  5. Well it has been said that the sun might go nova in a billion years or so and that would destroy the earth. Or maybe an asteroid that if we had space industry could be used to make new cars out of crashing to earth and ending civilization one did the dinosaur’s because we were to dumb to move heavy industry into orbit.

  6. I believe around 2057, maybe not the world will end, but we will die of poor air quality, extreme temperature, or flooding caused by humans. ~MaDiSoN

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