
Who thinks the fans in the camper should get to keep the tire?

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They showed Nascar officials taking it away on a golf cart. I think whoever owns the camper should get the tire, along with Vickers autograph.

And the autograph of the left rear tire changer that didn't tighten the lug nuts. lol




  1. me

  2. They should keep it.  I've been watching for about 30 minutes now and I don't remember seeing more than a couple green flag laps.  The Indy 500 was way better.

  3. Yeah, they should be able to keep it.

  4. I'd ask for another tire and wheel... and mount them on the camper !!!  lol

    I'm still trying to get a free ticket, for the watered-down SUNOCO race at Atlanta, last year !

  5. lol that is hilarious yes they should be able to keep it

  6. Ny husband and I said the exact same thing.  I hope that after inspection that they do give it back to them.

  7. thats what i think too at least the rubber if not the rim

  8. I would want that wheel but I would understand if they wanted to study it. That gift package better be good though or the wheel better be sent to me later.

  9. yea they should i wish that tire would have hit the #18 car

  10. they are going have to inspect it, then  they should give it back to the people in the camper with all the Red Bull teams autographs on it..But i doubt that will happen.

    Go Dale Jr & Hms

  11. they should keep it.

  12. Absolutely! In other sports when a ball goes into the stands the fans get to keep it. I understand that the NASCAR officials and Vickers' engineers need to look at it to see if something was wrong with it, but those people should get to keep it.

    BTW, can you imagine filing that insurance claim, lol!

  13. Yes, they should keep it. Lucky nobody got hurt and damage appears minimal.

  14. they should keep it it is no diff than the base ball home run! infact vicker's should sign the darn tire for them. it hit there motorhome !

  15. Hope Vickers sets them up real good.

  16. yes and get a discount on repairing the camper lol

  17. I do

  18. Throw in the lugs nuts too.... Keep the tire. That's why the fans were throwing beer after the race. Another bad call by NASCAR...Gee wiz....!!!

  19. Yup, they should keep it. I hope NASCAR gives it back after inspecting it, with Vickers's autograph.

  20. Yes they should get to keep the tire.  If NASCAR are being a little anal retentive about this than Red Bull Racing should give them after the race is a offer a different raced used tire as replacement.

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