
Who thinks the gymnastics scoring on Nastia and that chinese girl was rigged?

by Guest61078  |  earlier

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They try to justify the chinese girl winning but to me it still looks rigged.




  1. I just think that Nastia's performance was worse than the Bronze medal player

  2. Ya i just asked this same question! Its totally BS! Ya china just happens to get the gold.. I mean come on! The look on the U.S girls face when she realized that were taking away her gold when she deserved it was so sad.. Im so over the olympics now!

  3. this is wrong. the judges cant even do anything right. they were paid off by the goverment

  4. Not rigged.  These judges aren't bright enough for that.  To rig it would require some knowledge of gymnastics.  I wouldn't give them that much credit.

  5. she got robbed. the chinese girl was like 12 years old too.

  6. What you call "Try to justify"  was actually an explanation to what they did and it is used in other occasions as well.  Nothing shady happened.  Two girls tied and they used a set of rules to decide a winner.  What's wrong with that.  Stop embarrassing the country with your whining.

  7. It's not rigged for heavens sakes! IT'S THE RULES! Every sport has rules and you follow them. It's called a tie breaking rule.The tie breaking rule was in effect before the olympics began and weren't just made up on the spot, so you really can't complain about Nastia and He both not getting a gold, since 2005 when the new scoring was made this is the way that tie's have been decided. This stupid new scoring rule applies to everyone, including the Chinese. Only Nastia got unlucky. But it could have happened to He too. I bet even the judges won't know which athlete would be the first one who will benefit from this new rule. Anyway, when the rules were modified, representatives from USA also voted for it. The rule was not made by Chinese, nor just for this event. Even Nastia herself accepted this results after because she knows the rules. Next time maybe she will be the lucky one, God knows. He got the average three B judges' deductions of .933. and Liukin got .966 He wins.

  8. lol american whingers!! get over it.

    Go AUS!

  9. congratulations

    "I don't care about gymnastics but it "favored" china..."

    nice argument, one4one......

  10. There is one Austrian judge on that panel that is a pathetic failure at judging Olympic gymnastics.

  11. Totally!!!! They are so unfair! Did you see how the chinese girl was smiling arrogantly the whole time? But I guess congrats to the chinese girl..

  12. I do not think it was rigged.  I do however think it was BS that the Chinese girl won.  There is no reason not to have two golds or have some sort of playoff.  Not even sure why the Chinese girl won.

  13. Well, I finally got to see the competition on TV out here on the West Coast.  Yes, the scoring did seem a bit off.

    Now, probably none of you will like what I have to say, but in all honesty one thing though that I would say that I have not heard anyone else say -- I do not believe either one of the two who tied for first should have gotten gold.  Why is that?  Well, go back and listen to Tim Daggett's comments during the routines of the three medalists.  For the Chinese gold winner, he points out "wow a major deduction" and a fault on the landing.  For Nastia, he points out a leg separation and another major deduction in which he says she is "nowhere near vertical" and "if the judges want to they could take off a lot".

    For the other Chinese gymnast (who gets third and has the same start value), they only point out one minor deduction.  She sticks her landing and both commentators mention that she's scored huge numbers throughout the Games but this was the by far the best performance she's done.  

    Go back and watch the three performances again and listen to the commentators.  Just based on that, I do not believe Nastia was cheated in this particular contest.  I do believe the third and first place gymnasts order was off.  

  14. those judges took the gold away from nastia!

  15. I definitely felt that the tie breaker system didn't justify who the gold metal should have gone to. There's been a lot of controversy about some of the Chinese girls' age's and also the possibility that there's been favoritism going on in the gymnastic events. In my opinion, I would agree with those accusations. I felt that Nastia deserves the gold metal and that they cheated her out of it only because she won the all around gold. Plus all the judges weren't as experienced as they would have been because they couldn't have a judge from the same country as the gymnast. There were many instances that I was disappointed that our U.S. gymnasts weren't given the scores they deserved. One of them was when Shawn Johnson would received silver instead of gold on the individual floor exercise, because I felt that she did the best out of everyone. Also when Alicia Sacramone competed in the vault for individuals and didn't mess up once, yet many of the other contenders messed up badly and still beat her out. I know there's a difficulty level, but in the end it should come to how well the exercise was performed. Sorry I typed so much, but that pretty much answers your question.

  16. I still don't understand why the other Chinese girl Yang got a lower score. Her start value was the same as the leading two gymnasts, and the NBC commentators could not point out any mistakes for point deduction. Before they showed her score, it seemed even Liukin thought Yang had taken the gold.

    Edit: my answer explained better by answerer below.

  17. They're both really good gymnasts but I think Nastia should have gotton the gold. They should have at least had a tie-breaker. It's just so unfair.


    redwings_chic21, I saw that too. Nastia looked really pissed. Then when she watched as the gold medal was given away she looked so depressed.

    Ugh, It's so unfair...

  18. Yeah. Go USA!!!  

    But, honestly, I just watched it.  Why didn't the third place medalist win?  She was the best.  I'm glad she didn't cuz I want the US to win, but one thing that was interesting -- she was the one who could have the biggest complaint.  Yet, she was the one smiling the biggest after the medals were announced.

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