
Who thinks the hamilton ontario canada tiger cats need to get rid of there team?

by Guest56462  |  earlier

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they havent won really much at all for last few it a waste of money for the city to keep them?




  1. No, they get good attendance and that's ultimately what counts. If winning was essential, the Maple Leafs would have folded long ago.

  2. Who are the Hamy Onty Bananada Ti-Cats? I just call them the Hamilton Tiger-Cats.

    So let's say your grades suffer for a few years, should your parents dump you in an orphanage? Isn't it just a waste of moeny to educate you, if you suck at school?

    Hey, the Ti-Cats will rebound some day. Just take a chill pill and learn some CFL history.

  3. Okay, I'm a die-hard Argos fan, so I think the Ti-Cats stink regardless.  But, there is a lot of football tradition and history in the Hammer, and I believe that there will always be Tiger-Cat football.  Go to a game to find out why.  Besides, what would Labour Day be like if there was no football game on the Monday night?

  4. the NY Islanders haven't won a stanley cup for years.  but they're still so profitable that they have $60 million to spend on DiPeitro.

    So a winning record and profits aren't necessarily linked

  5. That franchise has been around too long to dump it. The CFL needs to keep all of its franchises or it may fold...:(

  6. Not me!!  Most if not all teams go through good and bad years.  It is the nature of sports.  The real test is what kind of fans they have.  True fans support their teams in not only the good (winning) years but the bad (losing) years.  Hamilton will rebuild and be a contender again.

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