
Who thinks the main event on SD will be this?

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Triple H and Undertaker vs. The Great Khali and Edge




  1. Triple H and Undertaker vs. The Great Khali and Edge


  2. who cares

  3. HHH vs The Great Khali in Summerslam rematch.

  4. I heard that Khali was goin to get an rematch and win the belt. and after sunday it wud be a miracle if edge is even i doubt ther is goin to be an tag match

  5. thats posible but i think it will be undertaker vs. the great khali

  6. Since Theres NEVER been a Divas Championship Match on SD A Battle Royal All Brands 30 Divas & See who wins.

  7. no in real life hhh and taker hate eitchother

  8. That would be a cool match. I think it is Triple H and Undertaker vs. The Great Khali and Edge. But Edge is probably injured from Summerslam but he has a long time to rest.

    After the match Triple H attacks The Undertaker and they start a fued for the WWE title.

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