
Who thinks the media is 2 much in favor in some of the athletes like the favorites in their respected sports??

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bumbees i know

what about shawn while natasha won the individual gold

and no mention of jonathon silver




  1. They generally focus on whoever is the favorite = even after Lolo Jones lost the gold on the hurdles, even here in America the focus was on her as opposed to the one who actually won...

  2. America is all in favor of Micheal Phelps now, even some commercials are referecing him to sell there product. I don't think the sport reallly matters if you win gold, you get much more money than the people running the olympics give you.

  3. They're in the business of selling advertisement, not bringing you full coverage of all events.  I'm just glad I'm not living in Canada and having to endure prime time coverage of trampoline.

  4. Of course they're going to focus on the favorites. Are you suggesting that they focus on athletes who have no chance of winning a medal? That's just not realistic. I think a more pertinent question to ask is how should a national network (i.e. NBC in the United States) balance its coverage and exposure between American and foreign athletes? I'm really pissed off that NBC did not feature the medal ceremony for the three Americans who swept the 400m mens hurdles. They sure did manage to find time to do a five minute profile on a Russian woman who won the pole vault. Get your act together NBC and remember who your audience is.  

  5. the media is biased?

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