
Who thinks the pre-season is stupid?

by  |  earlier

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All it does is..

- cause injuries that really hurt a team (Osi Umenyiora)

- make good teams look bad, and bad teams look good

- and worst of all, ruin all the hype for the start of the real football season. By the time the regular season starts and the first game begins, I'm not even that excited anymore, because I've already seen basically 4 weeks of football.




  1. i think its stupid and sometiimes good

    think if u were a rookie or free agent and just got picked up by a team you have training camp and 4 PRESEASON GAMES to show the team what you got. from a fan's point i agree it's stupid but from a player's its important  

  2. You do not understand the premise of pre season games...

    It gives the coaching staff the chance to try plays, change things up on the field, eval players and much more...

    .it benefits the players too..these are warm up games..that they want to win but if they lose it doesn't count in the standings.........

    preseason is a good thing.....  

  3. Pre Season is good and bad. Good, it give the teams a chance to get starters ready for the season and a chance to get a good solid roster. Bad, it's too long and after the first half the games get slow and looks a little like high school varsity scrimmages. A simple solution..... cut two exhibition games and give me one more regular season game. Perfect!

  4. Preseason is h**l on the players coaches and fans. I understand the rookies and draftees have to practice in order to learn the ropes and show what they can do to make the team. But dam the starters should not play maybe only the final game of preseason. We have at least 5 players out some out for 4 to 6 weeks. And that's just crappy with your good players injured don't give you a fair chance in the game. Preseason sucks !!!!!  

  5. Pre season is lame

    It's practice game for 2nd string players

    And counts for nothing

    no one ever looks back and says "omg remember that time in preseason.."

  6. best to leave football to fans of the game, then.

  7. - if it didn't happen now, who's to say it wouldn't the third week of the regular season

    - good teams tend to have little depth because they pay so much for their starters. "bad" teams usually have a lot of depth because so many people are vying for a starting job.

    - preseason football is only for the truly dedicated fans. It's a way to size up your team. See what areas you fixed during the offseason and see how your draft panned out. If your excitement runs out after four weeks, then you need to find a sport with a shorter regular season.

  8. Preseason is a joke

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