
Who thinks the "Human Cost of the Olympics is worth it??

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I'm protesting the Olympics this year because I think it's the most ignorant, irresponsible, unnecessary, and ludicrous idea to have the Olympics in a city w/ such pollution the athletes have to wear masks and the fact that there isn't enough water they're already in the midst of a water crisis that includes water shortages, water pollution and a deterioration in water quality. 400 out of 600 cities in China are facing water shortages to varying degrees, including 30 out of the 32 largest cities. In order to have enough water for the Olympic games. Not to mention the forced and often time violent evictions of people in over half of the provinces in China, in order to accommodate the Olympics. They had water rerouted from farmers in neighboring towns to fill a dried up river because they didn't even have a place to have the rowing competition, those farmers desperately need that water for their crops. If that's not enough just look at China's human rights record for their treatment of people in Tibet, Sudan, Zimbabwe and Myanmar. How could this city possibly have been the best choice to hold the Olympics? I know there are plenty of other places that would not of had to put their citizens through all of this turmoil, and everyone wonders why the world is in the shape we're in today! It's because the so-called world leaders and decision makers act like uneducated 8 year olds, not thinking of the consequences of their actions before they act.




  1. I don't know.  The infusion of foreigners to Beijing is so significant that I believe it is worth the doing.  

  2. But what you aren't considering is the massive amount of money that the Olympics is going to bring into China. All of those people in Beijing to watch the Olympics have to stay somewhere, and eat somewhere and most will probably buy souvenirs from street vendors and little shops. I don't know why you can't just get over the fact that the Chinese people were ELATED to host the Olympics, you do what you want to do, but I'm going to enjoy the Olympics every day for the next 17 days. And, how is your protesting going to change the fact that the damage is done, do you honestly think that the IOC is going to halt all events because YOU disagree with it? Please.

  3. You pose a very good argument, which highlights some very ethically poignant points. However the flip side of this is the culture is different to that of perhaps western culture, Chinese people are very hard working and will sacrifice for the greater purpose. i myself disagree with the treatment of people in the houses that were demolished and the fact that water is taken but this is the Chinese government seeing people as commodities, which in all honesty every government does, just some are more up front with it.

    As for the track record of human rights, i wish people would get over it, okay it's not the best, but look at some of the things england, america and most other countries, not to mention superpowers have conducted, although somewhat more deviously and underhand. i feel that this is just a misunderstanding of cultural norms so to speak.

    The pollution is bad, but athletes have a choice and there are lots of other places where the air is or was just as bad.

    More consideration should have been put into this by world leaders as it has caused controversy, but then again the olympics is heavily tied to politics and of course political tension.

    Perhaps world leaders did put thought into it as like mentioned by others it will give china a boost and perhaps help it set some things straight, maybe some people are too blindsided by the past to recognise that?  

  4. the Olympics has never been about politics. you really are a professional agitator.

  5. Civil Rights should be first before anything.  Too bad our government does not think that is more important than the Olympics.   Rep. & Dems. are the same.  We should think of civil rights first. '

    This could have really made a statement. if we would not have participated or done so in a limited way.

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