
Who thinks the two track athletes were RAPED ?

by  |  earlier

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Because they stepped on the line and had their silver and bronze medals taken away from them?

I think if the race is short enough they should only run in a straight track instead of going around a turn. I think it would be hard to run that way.




  1. problem is if you allow them to step on the line where would you draw the line? a couple inches over? how about we let them run in the other guy's lane?

    how about for other sports where the line is out-of-bounds? how far over the line should they be allowed?

    if you say on the line is okay, how about we just move the line over, and the imaginary line is okay to step on, but the new physical line is now off limits? well, then you don't need to change anything

  2. I don't as these people are supposed to be world class and know the rules, they train for this race, this isn't some school sports day, it's the Olympic Final.

  3. I thought it was harsh and even harsher if they were disqualified for stepping on the line only once. But the man that mattered didn't make any mistakes, did he? BOLT!!

  4. sorry cant bend the rules

    and they cant run a straight 200 cuz its been like that for 100 years

    times would get alot faster without the turn

  5. Stepping on the inside line is like cutting corners, so the runner is running a shorter distance than other competitors. Stepping on the line also can interfere with other runners. Therefore, it is an automatic disqualification when a runner steps on the line, straight or curve. It applies to every runner. This is fair.

  6. Everyone else managed to stay in their own lanes.

    It is a rookie mistake, not something you expect from professional athletes.

    They broke the rules so have to pay the price.

  7. I think it's embarrassing what they would neglect that.

    I'd feel awkward if i were given a medal that I didn't win, sorta

    like Shawn Crawford.

  8. Nah, The rules are the rules.  

  9. I don't. You have to draw the line somewhere. Literally. You can't come into another guy's lane, or cut corners by stepping on the line. It's not asking too much to hug the line, but not step on it. p**s poor mistake on their parts. No excuse. I have no sympathy.

  10. Thems the rules and they all know it

  11. i do, i truly felt it for them :(

  12. well making a 200m straightaway will require a much bigger stadium which equals more money. its unfortunate for those sprinters but they shoulda known not to step on line since they have been running for quite some time. i have no beefs with it because the US got 2 medals instead of 1 thanks to the dqs

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