
Who thinks the world is going to end soon?

by Guest57798  |  earlier

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Do I? Maybe. I read a prophecy by the Mayans that the world was going to end in 2012. I may be mental, but the Mayans were a very advanced tribe.... or.... people, group.




  1. "Soon" is a relative term.  Don't believe it will happen in our lifetime but somewhere down the line of time, I do think our planet will either wear itself or burn itself out.  Could be a hundred years, a thousand or ???

  2. No one with any common sense. People have been claiming for thousands of years that the world was going to end "soon." Why should I believe anyone now?

  3. I will get my world, as soon as you do something about my REAL PROBLEM.

    1-to read, to understand

    2-to do c program, a,b,c,

    3-to hear entrance theme;

    4-to read science history book.

    5-to make a list of name whom ever i know.

    6-to make tim table, see assingnment pre.

    7-i realise, untill this device cant be out, i am not, no confidence i have.

    8-i realise, thy are unnecessaryly irritates me. All the time. All the time. All the time. All the time, All the time.

    9-i also realise- i am nothing in others mind.

    10-I realise, it is extreamly necessary to remove this thing from me

  4. Only God knows.... But a lot of things that are happening nowdays, indicate that it happening but as i said before

  5. I don't think that is going to end for a while, but i do believe it will end within the next 200 years-- but for the immediate future we're good

  6. the world is not going to end. even if humans join the ranks of species that are extinct, the planet will still be here.  

  7. I honestly can say.. that I don't. Do you?

  8. Define soon....

    I really think this one is up in the air. We have all the possibility for a man-made apocalypse, but at the same time we have all hope for things to turn out fine.

    Really, who knows. Lets just be happy, be good to others around us (activate good karma), and hope for the best.

    Also voting for the correct presidential nominee might help!!! (i.e. Obama).  

  9. The world isn't going to end till the sun changes form 6 billion years from now.

    What may happen is this current life cycle may end only to be replaced by another.

  10. I don't think the world will end anytime soon.  It will change and evolve, and though that may seem like an ending for some, it is simply the beginning of something else.  Barring some unforeseen natural disaster or really serious stupidity on our part, we'll still be around.

  11. in our life time, it will end in 50 end

  12. Sylvia Brown does.  She told Montel we got 99 years left.

  13. The Fortune Cookie ♥ says:

    Life will only end when you want it to.

    In other words, life really doesn't exist, some say. What is reality, may not be real.

    If you want to look at it in a scientific way, it may end. The Earth will die, it will change so we can't live here.

    The sun will explode in 6 billion years.

    The Earth may just run out of food, trees, air, etc.

    Or it might have a giant Earthquake which will brake the Earth in half.

    Anyways, i don't think it will happen in our life time.


    Love, the Fortune Cookie ♥

  14. well theres acutally alot of different theroys

    f there will be two moons

    and the sun will rise in the west and set in the east(when it is suppose to rise in the east and set in the west) theres more for others but idk them.

    the mayan believe that its gonna end in 2012, according to their calender. and then theres alot more. For me i believe the world is gonna end in like 2040 by then the effects of global warming will be irraversable. SInce no one in the world gives a **** about the planet we are gonna die. And all the countries are fighting for nuclear power. and then there will be nuclear warfare. so yeah :)  

  15. Not me !

  16. Doomsday predictions are are rubbish. Tell your religion that if the World is ending soon, there's no need to give you any more money, and watch them change the subject.

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