
Who thinks they know whats a good car

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Who thinks they know whats a good car




  1. no one knows if the car is good or not, an less you driving one for long time.some cars are good for 2 to 3 years and then the trouble star god cars are thous cares that they lost long time with least problems.and right now is Honda, and Toyoda.they out last any America maid care

  2. Quite a few people??? like who thinks they know what makes a car good? or who thinks they know what a good car make is?

  3. My opinion of a good car is the Nissan Skyline,the model i have gives me a tunable engine, still looks great,plenty of room front and rear for passengers,room for a monthly shop in the trunk/boot,safe with twin airbags ,side impact bars and hicas system.

    The other Skylines are just as good with models down to a non turbo to a twin turbo even a station wagon version.

    The car itself has been a legend since 1957 and of late even further around the World although has been winning trophies for many years and more recent with the R32 which led to having that many wins changing motor racing rules to stop it taking part. Even still it wins races world wide and a fav with tuners with its tunable engines.

    If nothing else it gives me a big smile everytime i drive it and its a pleasure to drive.

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