
Who thinks they need signs telling adults to respect all children when in the pay area of fast food places?

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i am glad there are more people seeing that and maybe one day they will let more people fit in, but it is hard to teach children stuff when the parents go and do it.




  1. The special needs boy's mother should've been keeping a better watch on her child, in a play area or in any place.  Although the little girl wasn't playing in the play area maybe her mother thought it would be a more appropriate place to bring her child as to not disturb the other adults. But No, the little girls mother should not have said anything about the little boy, that was uncalled for, if she didn't like what he was doing she should have said something to his mother.

    If the special needs child was able to have enough time to go up to the little girl's table and grab a dirty napkin and her box, then no, His mother was not watching him well enough.  I also do not think him having special needs has anything to do with how the mother reacted and the only relevance it has here is that his mother should have been watching him that much more closely. I would never let my son get far enough away from me  ( especially in a public place) to bother anyone trying to enjoy their meal.

  2. My personal opinion is that at least there was one parent in the place watching what was going on, yes her reaction was a bit extreme but at least she was paying attention.

    Any time I go to McDonalds or the park I'm always diciplining other people's children.  Once at the park a child (about 5) almost hit my daughter (2 years old) in the head with a plastic bucket.  A few minutes later, he was throwing sand at another child (about 18 months).  Not long later he pushed a 3 year old child.  EVERY SINGLE time I had to tell him to behave and find the mother of the other two to explain why their child was crying.

    Where was mom, sitting in the shade drinking a soda looking off in the distance!

    This sort of thing really makes me angry~

    Basically, I think we need signs telling adults to SUPERVISE and DISCIPLINE THEIR CHILDREN when needed!

  3. what a b. she is teaching her daughter to be rude, discrimiate, and overreact.  

    a friend of mine who had a kid at 15 complains to me about her son all the time about how he acts.  he acts very similiar to her. since i have no kids i just listen and don't make remarks.

  4. That lady must be one of those germophobe people, the one's who are scared of germs. My mom is like that too, but that's really rude and unacceptable! Some people are just so mean to special needs people! She must be scared of people different to her! Talk about rude!

  5. That is such a shame! How sad for the little boy! We encountered something along the same lines at the park one day. There was an older (although I am sure on the same page mentally) boy playing at the park where my daughter was playing. At first I kept her at one end but then I heard another mother tell her son very loudly "don't play with him" get over here. It just sounded so nasty to me and the handicapped boy looked crushed. She and another couple started walking away with their kids so as loud as I could I told my daughter that I bet "he" (the mentally handicapped child) would probably love to play tag with her. My daughter had a blast chasing around the park with him and I loved seeing the looks on the parents who walked aways faces as the other parents started talking about rude manners and raising your kids to be hateful and discriminating.  So I guess point being, voice your kindness as loudly as their rudeness. They will look like the di@#heads that they are.

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