
Who thinks this is gunna happen?

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someone told me that an asteroids gunna hit earth in 2039.

who thinkks thats gunna happen?




  1. It probably won't.

    There's a possible for that year but that doesn't look very likely (it'll most likely just be a close flyby).

  2. Its supposed to happen in 2012

  3. It might happen some point in time but not any time soon. Did that guy even have any proof? (no religious proof, that's just faith)

  4. there is no scientific proof that supports an asteroid or meteor would hit the earth so far. so, it , most likely, would not happen.  

  5. Well, the asteroid is predicted to hit Earth in April 2038. Scientists were saying we shouldn't worry about it, because there's only a 1/6000 chance that it will. That's a .00016 chance that it actually will, or a 99.99984 that it won't. What do you go for?  

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