
Who thinks this is out of order?

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I work part time at a clothes store, and Im a full time student.

Clothes store has recently been taken over by new management. They're ok. But so rude as far as I'm concerned.

I'm contracted to work a saturday, they put me down for other days in the week which I can't do because of college, and when I tell them they get the **** with me! And make me feel like I'm letting them down!

I booked the day off as holiday the other week for revision. I popped in to get some shoes and the manager didnt even say hello to me, I think he was aggitated that I took the day off but we're entitled to four weeks holiday a year!!

They dont even ring and ask if its ok to do over time like the old managers did, they just assume staff has no life!

They always mess my wages up. I repeatidly and politely asked them to make sure I got my wages right this month, reminded them a lot of times and still didn't pay me what I was oughed!

Am I moaner or are they totally disrespecting the staff?




  1. Yes they are unappreciative but that's life:( Why don't you look for a new job? But remember the next manager could be worse:(

  2. sounds as tho you need to look for something else, If you stay there & they continue this behavior, your going to get & be stressed & eventually see your grades drop due to this. Try to find something else, & explain to them your in college (good for you) & you can only work specific hours. Good luck, you deserve better. If the wage thing keeps happening, you can contact the better business bureau in your state. they will be investagated.

  3. No, they should be following distributive justice and ordinary decency (ethics).

    It may make you feel that you are unimportant to the firm, and the firm may be projecting this image, or even their personal attitudes towards its operational staff.

    If I were you, I'd do what I did. Ring them up on a month you haven't worked and ask why you didn't get your wages.

    I did this and said I have a handwritten record of all of the hours I worked. They gave me £60 for doing nothing. Deserves them right for giving S**t pay.

    Bear in mind, this is easily detected in a small firm so if you are working for a shop or garage just say you worked an extra shift or two.

  4. That's very disrespectful. I would sit down with the manager alone and talk to him politly.

  5. sound like c**p...

    i would look into another job, because with managers like that you arn't going to get treated the way you need to.

  6. Find a new job

  7. just wait it out..things are different yet harder onto all as well..they will notice they are rude too.but that goes with trying to tell all to change as far as the working onto trying to fix all they are doing..

  8. I've never said this before, but that's life.

  9. It's out of order but if you need the money and the job then you put up with some ****

  10. It sounds like a bad job situation, but the low-paid jobs usually aren't all that pleasant.  Do you have a written agreement that you will work Saturday?  If not you have no grounds for complaint.  As for your holiday time, if you worked in America as a part-time worker you would get NO holiday time per year.  Think how that would feel.

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