
Who thinks this is planted PR and not news?

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Ummm, IMHO, as long as Tyra has a criminal record, she will never be Oprah. This is why these tabloid "reporters" are in entertainment, and not real news. A news story about women struggling with their weight is an oxymoron.

I think this story is a cover to distract from Tyra's recent arrest and jailtime, and a way to spank Oprah for the political fallout associated with the TUCC/Obama endorsement.




  1. Looks like it - News should be impartial -

  2. No way is that news.  Tyra Banks is a joke. She's a poser.  She's a "wanna be".  She will never be Oprah.  Her show is ridiculous.  I agree with you.  They are running this story to distract from her arrest and make her look good at someone else's expense.

  3. If you are as famous and loved as Tyra Banks, a criminal record doesn't really mean anything..

    But I'm not saying it's not planted .. But it is a possibility it's true also.

    I hope she replaces Oprah.

  4. I would not watch either show... even if I was tied up and paid to do so.  These shows are useless "fluff" and should be replaced by REAL current events that actually matter.  I really don't care what "celebrities" think about world events... their job is to entertain people.  If they stray from their field of expertise, they should be fired.  I have fired Oprah and Tyra from my house... it's just totally useless trash.

  5. Tyra was arrested?  What did she you?

    Oprah?  I disowned Oprah the day she endorsed Obama.

  6. Tyra is so boring and vapid and has a dull personality, not suited for the limelight. Oprah is a more "girlfreind" type figure and most women re;late to her since they are overweight and not glamourous like Tyra also. They both bore me as vapid and dull. Oprah's show is filled by 30 minutes of commercials, very little topic. I like HGTV better.

  7. yes Tyra caters to young teen age girls while Oprahs audience is like over 50

  8. i think it's a planted PR

  9. i love both! and who cares if its real or not real news, as long as they're giving away stuff and making us cry, hmmm that's great. :P

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