
Who thinks this might be the answer to solve Yahoo's problems?

by  |  earlier

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Turn the tables on Microsoft, and submit a hostile bid to buy microsoft, this would set balmer on his ear, dazzel the h**l out of wall street and cause Icahn to develop peptic ulcers.

Yahoo shares of stock has been slowly increasing in value, not very fast, but you have to admit, its not sinking in value as quickly as most people thought it would if Microsoft withdrew their offer, yahoo is holding their own, where as microsoft's stock has been dropping in value, and if they don't pull the magic rabbit out of the hat and quickly, their stock will continue to drop and shortly it will be worth less that the stock of yahoo.

So, with being the case, why not submit a 'hostile bid' to buy microsoft? It would keep Icahn away from the door, make the yahoo shareholders happy and if microsoft accepts yahoo's offer, then both of these companies could then work a a business arrangement with Google and everyone would then be happy campers, if you like this,

Don't clap, throw money!




  1. A "bid" is an offer to buy. In order to make a bid for MIcrosoft, Yahoo would have to come up with $250 billion. That is probably beyond Yahoo's financial capability.

  2. Let's see. Yahoo market cap around $32B. Microsoft market cap around $235B. Dream on buddy, no way.

  3. Oh sure.

    HEY BUDDY! Can you spare a quarter of a TRILLION dollars?

  4. 235 Billion value of Microsoft verses 35 billion for Yahoo.  Wouldn't be much of a threat!

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