
Who thinks this orangina advert is a bit erm.. saucy...?

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  1. Dave T is right, the advert is french. They are far more open-minded to sexual behaviour, unlike the british.

    Plus as Dave T says, if you watch their tv programmes, the advert actually fits in well. Whereas our tv programmes are highly up-tight, hence why the advert sticks out like a sore thumb.

  2. Yes i do.

  3. i as thinking that, i was like this is a really good vodka advert, nd it was orangina lol.

    but i love it

  4. yeah it is but its funny

  5. orangina is aimed at adults

    so this is an adult advert

    its not like they are having s*x

    everyone should just get over it

    and it is shown in the uk for the record, but after the watershed

    the slogan naturally fruity says it all :)

  6. Its French, I don't know if you've ever watched their TV, but they don't seem to have the British hang ups over s*x.

  7. I Think It Is Absolutely Long , Pointless And VULGAR !!!!  

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